Google drive -
- Tzu-Wei Vivi Chuang (
- Greg Cusack (
- Kunal Patel (
- Nathan Pilbrough (
- Zhengshuang Ren (
- Cpp_MemLeak_Tests: contains the test cases used to evaluate valgrind
- MacOS-10.11.6: contains the test case outputs for Mac running El Capitan
- Maker_Devices: contains test case outputs for the Beaglebone Black and Edison
- Miscellaneous: contains utilities and other helper files
- OpenCV: contains the bug reports and source code for OpenCV Cpp_MemLeak_Tests
- Pi 2 - Wheezy: contains error reports for the Raspberry Pi running Wheezy
- Pi 3 - Ubuntu Mate: contains error reports for the Raspberry Pi running Ubunty Mate
- VM: contains the test case outputs for the Vm
- guetzli: contains files modified active memory leaks