This API highly emphases over dynamic scraping, plotting data and bring out valuable insights. It gives the BMI, BMI_category, Posture analysis based on data collected through IoT device, recommend 3 exercise based on issues faced by user and create a Health Report.
The input for this api will be structured as
"hours": 8,
and in response user will get
"bmi": float,
"category": "string" --Underweight,healthy weight, overweight, Obese(1,2,3)
"excercise1": "name","image_link",[list of benefits],
"excercise2": "name","image_link",[list of benefits],
"excercise3": "name","image_link",[list of benefits],
"line graph": Base64 encoded png of daily sitting posture,
"pie chart": daily percentage of sitting (good/bad Posture),
"posture": Overall posture of User