Getting Started • API Endpoints • Application Architecture • Database • Kubernetes
This project is an API built using Java, Java Spring.The API emulates a travel planning application. The API has been deployed on AWS utilizing Amazon EKS.
- Cloning de repository
git clone
cd plan.ner-nlw
- Install dependencies with Maven
- Install Docker
docker-compose up -d
Accessible at
The API provides the following endpoints:
POST /trips - Register a new trip.
GET /trips/{tripId} - Retrieve a specific trip by ID.
PUT /trips/{tripId} - Update a trip.
GET /trips/{tripId}/confirm - Confirm a trip.
POST /trips/{tripId}/activities - Register a new activity to a trip.
GET /trips/{tripId}/activities - Retrieve all activities.
POST /trips/{tripId}/invite - Invite a participant to a trip.
GET /trips/{tripId}/invite - Retrieve all participants.
POST /trips/{tripId}/links - Register a new link to a trip.
GET /trips/{tripId}/links - Retrieve all links.
The project uses Postgres. The necessary database migrations are managed using Flyway.
k3d cluster create planner-nlw --servers 2 --api-port localhost:6443 // create a cluster in docker
kubectl cluster-info // show cluster information
kubectl create namespace planner // create a namespace
kubectl apply -f k8s -n planner // run kubernetes files
To manage Kubernetes clusters with dashboards install -> Lens
When contributing to this project, please the existing code style, commit conventions, and submit your changes in a separate branch.