A website that finds nice movies to watch
You can search for a movie based on categories: discover, top rated movies, upcoming, now playing and by a specific genre.
This project used 'themoviedb' api engine, that gives to you all the information about a movie, including title, overview, rating, cast, background and poster images, and some other features.
On the hero banner, the application shows you random movies every time you reload the page. If the movie has a trailer, it will show a button to open the modal. Furthermore, the trailer is gonna be playing in the background on desktop version.
In the other sections, you can scroll left and right to find a movie on your interests. If you like it, you can click and a modal will be open with the main info about it. You can also view all the movies clicking on the button "view more".
You can search for a movie with a specific genre, just select it and the API will show the bestest options for you.
Lastly, there's a search area when you click the button with a magnifying glass icon. You just need to write the movie that you want and search. It's simple, but useful.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- GulpJS
- Axios
- Fetch JS
- API (Application Programming Interface)