Here is a good mortgage broker who will understand you and can communicate from start to finish over email. Phone calls optional.
Andy Jeffreys
Mortgage Consultant
My Financial Services, 1st Floor, Oak House, Reeds Crescent, Watford, Herts, WD24 4QP.
Direct Tel: 0204 551 5657
2. Send them an email introducing yourself. You will soon be asked to provide the following information, so best you collect it before starting this whole affair.
• Full Name (as per passport)
• Date of Birth
• Nationality (If NOT British, do you have permanent UK residency?)
• Contact telephone numbers (Home / Work / Mobile)
• 3 year address history including postcodes
• How long at each address?
• Do you have a mortgage at the moment? (if yes, name of lender, amount
outstanding & approx monthly payment)
• Any existing credit commitments? (Credit cards, loans etc. If yes, name
of provider, approx amount outstanding & approx monthly cost)
• Purchase price of property - if you have an idea this is helpful (not a
problem if unsure)
• Mortgage amount required - I will work towards maximum borrowing (unless
otherwise advised)
• Occupation
• Employed or Self Employed or Company Director
• Name and address of employer / business
• Length of time with current employer
• Annual Income (Split between basic, commission & bonus if applicable)
• Most recent x3 payslips
• Industry
• Any gaps in contracts in the past 12 months? (a gap in contract being a
period of 4 weeks or more off contract)
• Name and address of your Ltd Co/Umbrella co
• Daily rate
Look through quotes provided, find a place to buy, choose a mortgage and provide all the paperwork you are asked for in a timely manner.
Be courteous in your emails and phone calls. Buying a place can be quite stressful.