Project: Make a clone of the
- First, visit the link that shows you the landing page.
- click on see more, on clicking that it redirects to the product page
- add the product to the card and go to the card page. click on the buy now
- you have to register and login after that click on the buy now, and it redirects you to the checkout page

This E-Commerce website specializes in selling grocery products for kitchens & gadgets. The website provides 16,000 products of different products.
In this project, we used HTML, CSS, and javascript With the self-learning efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned till Unit-2 in the Masai School, we could clone the whole website with the same looks & features.
This is an Individual project built within 5 days.
- JavaScript
- local storage
For storing user data we also used JSON-Server & local storage.
- Clone this repo and run it using the live server.
In this project, we have tried to achieve a near-to-perfect clone of the original website as much as possible. This entire journey of this construct week has given us experiences and we have learned lots of things by applying to the actual website and it gave us a lot of confidence. Most of the features are added and the website's functionality is achieved.