This repository contains the source code for reproducing results in the paper "Personality traits classification from EEG signals using EEGNet" by V. Guleva, A. Calcagno, P. Reali and A. M. Bianchi.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd personality-eeg
- Create a new virtual environment:
python -m venv env
- Activate environment:
- Windows
source env/Scripts/activate
- MacOS/Linux
source env/bin/activate
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install
pip install -e .
The required files from the AMIGOS dataset are physiological recordings: Original data in Matlab format
and metadata: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheets
, available for download here.
The .mat files need be stored in /data/raw/
and the "Participants_Personality.xlsx" spreadsheet file need be stored in /data/
The model used for training is EEGNet as implemented in
All the needed configurations are set in the config/config.json
file, to be modified as needed.
Six illustrative Jupyter notebooks are provided in notebooks/
Run the script
python -m --config "config//config.json"
To reproduce the three types of dataset used for the paper, edit the "dataset"
object in config.json
as specified in the paper.
This step is not required for reproducing the results.
To tune the hyperparameters of the model, run the script
python -m src.hyperparameters.tune_hyperparameters --tuner "hyperband"
The --tuner
can be set to "hyperband"
, "bayesian"
, or "random"
search algorithms. The hyperparameter tuning was implemented using KerasTuner.
The hyperparameters and tuning configuration can be edited in the "hyperparameter_tuning"
object in config.json
To obtain the tuning results, refer to the Jupyter notebook notebooks/3-hyperparameter-tuning-results.ipynb
For the k-fold training, run the script
python -m src.models.kfold_train_model
Note that training is separate for each personality trait. To obtain results for all five traits, edit the "train"
object in config.json
by changing the "trait"
element. The element "experiment_desc"
controls the naming of all the subsequent reports.
Alternatively, a simple 1-fold training is also implemented and can be run with the script:
python -m src.models.train_model --config "experiments//exp01.json"
Other config files can be used for experimental results. An exp01.json
config example file is provided in experiments/
and can be used as above.
To predict the results of the k-fold trained models, run the script
python -m src.models.kfold_predict_model
Loss, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1, and Kappa metrics are calculated on the test set for each k-fold and on average over all folds. The results are saved in a .csv
file in reports/predictions
To predict the results of the 1-fold trained models, run the script
python -m src.models.predict_model
Filters and hidden layer outputs
The filters and hidden layer outputs can be visualized as shown in the notebooks/5-visualizations-filters-and-outputs.ipynb
Jupyter notebook.
The attributions of the inputs are obtained as implemented in the DeepExplain framework, using the DeepLIFT algorithm.
To obtain the attributions for the test inputs, run the script
python -m src.visualizations.attributions --model_path "models//trained_model_name.h5"
The path to the targeted trained model has to be specified.
The calculated attributions are saved in models/attributions
, while the generated figures from the attributions are saved in reports/attributions/
Additionally, five pretrained models, one for each personality trait, are provided in models/pretrained_models/