Exemplifies how to use SolidFrame mpipc library in a secured (SSL) client-server scenario.
- client/android is an example of how to use SolidFrame framework and especially the solid::frame::mpipc library allong with BoringSSL and Snappy in an Android Java application.
- client/ios is and example of how to use SolidFrame allong with BoringSSL and Snappy as CocoaPods in an iOS Swift application.
bubbles is a client-server application. It consists of:
- a server (runs on Linux/macOS/FreeBSD)
- a client running on
- Linux - using Qt for GUI
- macOS - using Qt for GUI
- Windows - using Qt for GUI
- Android - using Java Native Interface
- iOS - interfacing with Swift via CocoaPods
The client displays multiple moving bubbles:
- one bigger bubble - the personal one which can be moved by the user (via mouse or touch) and/or automatically by a bubble "auto pilot".
- other smaller bubbles, one for every other client registered on the same room on the server.
So, every client will display in real time all the bubbles in a room at the position in the client they originate in.
Linux: |
![]() |
macOS & Android Emulator & iOS Simulator: |
![]() |
Windows: |
![]() |
The frontend is implemented using either
- Qt (for desktop clients);
- Java for Android application;
- Swift for iOS application.
The backend engine is implemented in C++ and relies on
- solid_frame libraries (especially solid_frame_mpipc for communication)
- OpenSSL (for desktop) / BoringSSL (for Android and iOS) - to secure the communication
- snappy for all versions - to compress communication
- keeps multiple connections grouped by the room they registered onto
- register clients giving them an unique per room color
- receives position updates from all the clients and further
- pushes the updates to all other clients in the room
The server is a C++ application using solid_frame libraries (most important solid_frame_mpipc for communication), OpenSSL to secure communication and boost for parsing command line parameters.
- the client connects to the server and registers on a room using either a given color or requesting a new color
- the server will respond with a unique color (which may not be the requested one) and push to the client the positions and colors of all other bubbles in the room
- the client will start displaying the bubbles
- the client will send its initial bubble position
- the client will continue sending the personal bubble position when it changes
- the server will continue to push other bubbles position changes to the client.
SolidFrame can be use either installed:
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ git clone git@github.com:vipalade/solidframe.git
$ mkdir extern
$ cd external
$ ../solidframe/prerequisites/prepare_extern.sh
# ... wait until the prerequisites are built
$ cd ../solidframe
$ ./configure -e ~/work/external --prefix ~/work/external
$ cd build/release
# makes and installs solidframe in ~/work/external
$ make install
# clone bubbles
$ cd ~/work
$ git clone https://github.com/vipalade/bubbles.git
$ cd ~/work/bubbles/
$ mkdir -p build/debug
$ cd build/debug
# only use the external folder
$ cmake -DEXTERNAL_PATH=~/work/external ../../
$ cd server/main
$ make
or it can be used directly from the directory it was built:
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ git clone git@github.com:vipalade/solidframe.git
$ mkdir external
$ cd external
$ ../solidframe/prerequisites/prepare_extern.sh
# ... wait until the prerequisites are built
$ cd ../solidframe
$ ./configure -e ~/work/external
$ cd build/release
$ make
# clone bubbles
$ cd ~/work
$ git clone https://github.com/vipalade/bubbles.git
$ cd ~/work/bubbles/
$ mkdir -p build/release
$ cd build/release
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DEXTERNAL_PATH=~/work/external -DSolidFrame_DIR=~/work/solidframe/build/release ../../
$ cd server/main
$ make
run the server with secure communication enabled:
$ ./bubbles_server -p 4444
or, run the server with plain communication:
$ ./bubbles_server -p 4444 -s 0
First you'll need to download precompiled Qt from here:
$ cd ~/work/external
$ curl -L -O http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.9/5.9.2/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.9.2.run
$ chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.9.2.run
$ ./qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.9.2.run
# ... follow the installation steps, and install qt (only "Desktop gcc 64-bit" is needed) in ~/work/external/qt/
Next, you'll have to install Qt dependencies. E.g. on Fedora:
$ sudo dnf install mesa-libGL-devel
next, configure the bubbles build to also compile the Qt client:
$ cd ~/work/bubbles/
$ cd build/release
# reconfigure with path to QtWidget:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DEXTERNAL_PATH=~/work/external -DSolidFrame_DIR=~/work/solidframe/build/release -DQt5Widgets_DIR=~/work/external/qt/5.9.2/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets ../../
$ cd client/qt
$ make
finally, run the client with secure communication:
# launch multiple bubbles clients:
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 &
or, run the client with plain communication:
# launch multiple bubbles clients:
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 -s 0 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 -s 0 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 -s 0 &
$ ./bubbles_client -c localhost:4444 -s 0 &
Launching the clients without any parameters will try to connect to a default internet server (not always online!).
- Visual Studio 2017
- CMake
- Git for Windows - the build workflow uses Git Bash so it must be installed
- Perl for Windows - it is needed to build OpenSSL for Windows. Windows Git Bash installation also comes with perl but it won't work with OpenSSL build.
- Qt for Windows
- SolidFrame
Install Qt:
- Download and run the Qt installer.
- A minimum installation should contain the "Qt 5.10.1" -> "MSVC 2017 64-bit" pre-built binaries.
- Next we suppose that Qt installation folder is "c:\qt".
- Add "C:\qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\bin" to system path environment variable - this is needed for Qt*.dll search.
Next are all the commands needed to build bubbles_client Qt application on Windows with all the prerequisites issued in a Git Bash console:
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ mkdir external
$ git clone https://github.com/vipalade/solidframe.git
$ git clone https://github.com/vipalade/bubbles.git
$ cd external
$ ../solidframe/prerequisites/run_in_vs2017_env.sh amd64 bash
$ ../solidframe/prerequisites/prepare_external.sh --boost --openssl --64bit
$ cd ../solidframe
$ ./configure -b maintain -f vsmnt64 -e ~/work/external -g "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
$ cd build/vsmnt64
# only build the libraries
$ cmake --build . --config release --target libraries
# move to bubbles folder
$ cd ~/work/bubbles
$ mkdir -p build/vsmnt64
$ cd build/vsmnt64
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=maintain -DEXTERNAL_PATH=~/work/external -DSolidFrame_DIR=~/work/solidframe/build/vsmnt64/ -DQt5Widgets_DIR=/c/qt/5.10.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ../../
$ cmake --build . --config release --target bubbles_client
finally, run the application from Git Bash:
$ release/bubbles_client &
$ release/bubbles_client &
$ release/bubbles_client &
$ release/bubbles_client &
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/vipalade/bubbles.git
- load bubbles/client/android project in Android Studio >= 3.0 (tested on macOS and Linux)
- run the application from there either within emulator or on phisical device.
- BoringSSL and SolidFrame libraries are used as git modules (i.e. the CMakeLists.txt of the native lib (client/android/app/CMakeLists.txt) directly embeds the CMakeList.txt files of BoringSSL and SolidFrame.
- snappy on the other hand is used as an external project (using ExternalProject_Add).
- Although all libraries can be built as external projects, I'll maintain this status quo as an example of how to use git modules.
- Lesson learned: For the ExternalProject_Add with snappy to work propperly (i.e. the native-lib to be able to link with libsnappy.a), I had to add "BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/external/lib/libsnappy.a" field to ExternalProject_Add.
- Lesson learned: Building BoringSSL needs Go Programming Language to be installed on the sistem. So, when building Bubbles from within AndroidStudio, Go will be called via gradle -> cmake and at this point Go has to, somehow be in the PATH variable. This seems not to be a problem when running Android Studio on Linux, but on macOS, Go installs itself in PATH environment variable available from the Terminal but it is not available from applications - like Android Studio. The simplest solution is to launch Android Studio application from a terminal.
First, one needs to have CocoaPods installed:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
$ git clone https://github.com/vipalade/bubbles.git
$ cd bubbles/client/ios/bubbles
$ pod install
$ open bubbles.xcworkspace