// MealPlanner 1.0
// Created by Paul Zhu on 11/23/18.
// Email: zhz433@ucsd.edu
// Copyright © 2018 Paul Zhu. All rights reserved.
This is a project adapted from the FoodTracker Tutorial on Apple Developer Website. The original project allows user to
create and add meals to the meal table. Upon setting up or editting a meal, user can specify the meal name, select a photo from
the gallery and rate the meal from 1 star to 5 stars.
The adapted version contain features that allow user to write a nutrition fact list of the meal and plan a meal by choosing
meals from the meal table. The app will automatically give a nutrition feedback about the meal plan.
(The italic part is not yet completed and will be updated in the future version)
[How to Use:]
Download or clone the code to your local git repository and build the project to your device with Xcode.