This is a Team Project
#how to start - FrontEnd
- 'npx create-react-app frontend' in the application folder
- If you get any merge conflicts, accept incoming change
- If merging is not working out, or if you are having trouble executing cpx create-react-app after you have merged the project, then, first run the react app command and then merge the project
- use npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap in the frontend folder
- import bootstrap using " import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"
- use npm install --save font-awesome in frontend
#how to start - GIT
- fork this project
- clone on your computer
- create a separate branch for your working( atleast 2, like vinayakDev and VinayakMaster)
- add your finctionalities in dev
- once added, merge it with NameMaster, then with the final master
#how to start - Project
- run in the BookBuddies directory everytime you open a new terminal
- run pip install flask_mysqldb
- try,
- try,
- understand the directory structure, how the flow is working. If you dont understand, I will explain by sharing my screen
- start writing your tasks
download: pip install flask-WTF pip install passlib