An easy on the eyes Xcode color scheme, ported from Ciapre Sublime Text.
🎨 Check out my Ciapre theme suite 👈
- On Terminal:
$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ sh ~/Ciapre-Xcode-theme/
- what this does:
- Clone this repo on $HOME location
- Invoke a shell script install, first, it locates for
to check whether the folder exists. If exists, it copy all*.xccolortheme
files from the repo to the Xcode FontAndColorThemes directory; else, it create this directory, then copy.
Restart Xcode, select your new Ciapre theme in Color settings.
Happy Coding -> Profit (?!) 🚢🚀
For more programming fonts, visit
- CotEditor themes by Naotaka Morimoto
- Ciapre for emacs
- Ciapre for Jetbrains (IDEA) and iTerm2
- Red Planet - A Sublime Text 2 color scheme based off of the "Ciapre Dark" theme with slight mods.
- My own Sublime Text2 / Text Mate theme - the original
- Ciapre theme for Visual Studio Code 🚀
- macOS Terminal theme
Thanks all for your works! 🍺
Just random, really!
I also have a Patreon in case you want to support my work. Thank you in advance!
I'm @vinhnx on both Twitter and GitHub. If you like this theme, please help spreading to the world. Thanks! 🚀