This repository contains the simulation files for the E10 - Open the door episode for the 1st SciRoc Challenge. For more information please refer to this website.
- Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).
- ROS kinetic kame.
- Gazebo 7.x updated to the last version.
- Git
- REEM-C Simulator
- Open a terminal and go to the src folder in the reem-c workspace:
cd ~/reemc_public_ws/src
- Clone the challenge environments.
git clone
- Build the workspace.
cd ..
If the installation was successful, the terminal will show that All packages succeeded!.
- Source the workspace.
source ~/reemc_public_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Launch the environments.
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=simple
This will launch a Gazebo world with the REEM-C robot and a simple door. To launch the environments in different scenarios:
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=simple
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=self_closing
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=hard_obstacle
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=soft_obstacle
roslaunch reemc_door reemc_door.launch door:=wind
- simple: standard door, it won't close if the robot does not push it.
- self_closing: the door will act as if has self-closing hinges.
- hard_obstacle: A small obstacle will appear behind the door, the robot should push the door harder to overcome this obstacle.
- soft_obstacle: a big box will appear behind the door, this obstacle can be moved and the robot should push harder to move it away.
- wind: A wind draft which pushes the door against the robot is simulated.