[Only build it on ipad]. If you’re using iPad Mini, It is recommended to run the app vertically on your iPad so that all the image assets are visible. The text should be visible on any model. It would also work just fine horizontally or vertically on other models. Lastly, make sure the iOS has been updated to iOS 15.0. Enjoy! :D
Additional Information : Before you start, in case you want to navigate through the story with the ability to undo your choice, you can change the settings by :
- Go to StoryView.view
- Go to line 125 and you'll see the instruction to delete line 125-128.
- After you make your first choice on the app another "back" button will show up below the first one. The first button will take you back to the menu, while the one below will undo your choice.
Third-party resource used : Source Code :
- (https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/sample-apps/chooseyourownstory). I used this sample code as a base for the navigation around my visual novel app. I think that I can easily understand the code on the sample and utilize I am able to modify it according to my needs.
- Images :
- I drew all of the image assets myself as I’m more of a designer. Including the ‘JamuJamu’ title, background, Mbok Arum, Budi, and the ending illustrations. I used MedibangPaint and Sketch to draw my assets.
- Information References :
- (https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/jenis-dan-manfaat-jamu-serta-penjelasannya/). This page explains the types, benefits, and history of Jamu. Most of the information I put inside the app came from this site. I find it reliable, as it is published by a giant bookstore company here.
- https://www.alodokter.com/ini-lho-manfaat-jamu-yang-sudah-teruji-klinis. This explains about the benefit of Jamu that has been clinically tested. The article itself is also reliable as it is published by a medical service website.
- (https://www.ugm.ac.id/id/berita/18715-mengangkat-kembali-jamu-sebagai-warisan-budaya-bangsa). Here is an article that talks about how Indonesian’s younger generation has less interest in Jamu. It is also a concern of many.
- (https://resepkoki.id/resep/resep-kunyit-asam/) This is where I got the recipe from. It is an easy recipe for beginners to follow up with, that’s why I put it on my app as a side recipe trivia!