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Display conventions

Dieter Plaetinck edited this page Aug 12, 2013 · 1 revision

Display of graphs:

  • all tags are displayed in a label whose color is deterministically computed from the name of the tag; they are also always printed in a consistent order so that it's easy to discern what's what, and consistent throughout the entire app.
  • all tags that are constant for a graph (due to grouping by them, or because retrieved targets happen to share the same tag values) are shown as the graph title
  • the vertical title shows more info about the <what>, <type> and <target_type> in a more humanly readble form ("/s" for rate, "/" for counts, etc.
  • all tags that are variable across targets in a graph are shown as labels in the target legend. click on them to get more info about the metric (graphite metric name, found tags, etc)
  • in you can define your count interval (statsd flushInterval) and graph options so that you can for example use binary prefixes instead of SI for diskspace/memory graphs; stacked graphs when displaying cpu states, etc.
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