Toggles MarkDown elements; bold, italic, and strike-through
This repository requires the Vim text editor to be installed the source code is available on GitHub -- vim/vim
, and most GNU Linux package managers are able to install Vim directly, eg...
- Arch based Operating Systems
sudo packman -Syy
sudo packman -S gawk make vim
- Debian derived Distributions
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gawk make vim
are only required if not utilizing a Vim plugin manager.
Perhaps as easy as one, 2.0,...
Clone this project...
mkdir -vp ~/git/hub/vim-utilities
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities
git clone
If not using a plugin manager, then this plugin may be installed via make install
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/markdown-surrounds
make install
If not using a plugin manager, then this plugin may be uninstalled via uninstall
Make target...
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/markdown-surrounds
make uninstall
... Which will remove symbolic links and update the Vim help tags file.
To update in the future use make upgrade
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/markdown-surrounds
make upgrade
After installation, plugin documentation may be accessed via Vim's :help
command, eg...
:help markdown-surrounds.txt
Normal mode default maps are provided for toggling bold, italic, and strike-through state; either for the current word, or line, that the cursor is on.
b toggle bold state of word under cursor. -
B toggle bold state of line under cursor. -
i toggle italic state of word under cursor. -
I toggle italic state of line under cursor. -
hi toggle highlight state of current word. -
HI toggle highlight state current line. -
st toggle strike-through state of current word. -
ST toggle strike-through state current line.
This repository may not be feature complete and/or fully functional, Pull Requests that add features or fix bugs are certainly welcomed.
Currently when toggling state of words <cWORD>
is used for obtaining the big-word that the cursor is on. This means punctuation and non-letter symbols are included when toggling state. For example toggling bold state of an existing italic word...
Example italic word toggling results
Spam _flavored_ ham
Example bolding italic word toggling results
Spam **_flavored_** ham
... this also means that currently to toggle italic state again requires first toggling bold state, ie. order of operations is outer-to-inner, eg...
Example out-of-order italic toggling results
Spam _**_flavored_**_ ham
... to obtain an un-formatted word from above example would then require the following sequence of commands...
Spam **_flavored_** ham
Spam _flavored_ ham
Spam flavored ham
When toggling current line state block-quote, un-ordered lists, and ordered lists are ignored, eg...
Example block-quoted line
> Block quoted line
Example strike-through block-quote
> ~~Block quoted line~~
Options for contributing to markdown-surrounds and vim-utilities
Start making a Fork of this repository to an account that you have write permissions for.
- Add remote for fork URL. The URL syntax is<NAME>/<REPO>.git
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/markdown-surrounds
git remote add fork<NAME>/markdown-surrounds.git
- Commit your changes and push to your fork, eg. to fix an issue...
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/markdown-surrounds
git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:bug: Fixes #42 Issue
- `<SCRIPT-NAME>` script, fixes some bug reported in issue
git push fork main
Note, the
option may be used to setfork
as the default remote, eg.git push -u fork main
however, this will also default thefork
remote for pulling from too! Meaning that pulling updates fromorigin
must be done explicitly, eg.git pull origin main
- Then on GitHub submit a Pull Request through the Web-UI, the URL syntax is<NAME>/<REPO>/pull/new/<BRANCH>
Note; to decrease the chances of your Pull Request needing modifications before being accepted, please check the dot-github repository for detailed contributing guidelines.
Thanks for even considering it!
Via Liberapay you may on a repeating basis.
Regardless of if you're able to financially support projects such as markdown-surrounds that vim-utilities maintains, please consider sharing projects that are useful with others, because one of the goals of maintaining Open Source repositories is to provide value to the community.
:help :map-<buffer>
:help curly-braces-function-names
:help fnamemodify()
:help readfile()
:help json_decode()
:help type()
StackExchange -- Vi -- How can I merge two dictionaries in Vim?
StackOverflow -- How do I disable the "Press ENTER or type command to continue" prompt in Vim?
Toggles MarkDown elements; bold, italic, and strike-through
Copyright (C) 2020 S0AndS0
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
For further details review full length version of AGPL-3.0 License.