A linear algebra library for Unity, fully written in Burst. It's designed to be a natural extension of Unity.Mathematics, offering a bit more of functionalities. Currently in an experimental stage and not yet ready for production use.
To open the repo in Unity, follow these steps:
- Clone the repo
- Open the project in Unity
To use library in your own project:
- Clone the repo to separate project
- Copy Assets/LinearAlgebra/Source into your own project
Here's a simple example:
// memory management struct
var arena = new Arena(Allocator.Persistent);
int dim = 128;
// creates a zero vector of 128 dimensions
floatN vecA = arena.floatVec(dim);
// creates a vector of 128 dimensions with all elements set to 1
floatN vecB = arena.floatVec(dim, 1f);
// add per component (will allocate a new temporary vec)
floatN vecAdd = vecA + vecB;
// mul per component (will allocate a new temporary vec)
floatN vecMul = vecA * vecB;
// create identity matrix
floatMxN matI = arena.floatIdentityMatrix(16);
floatMxN matRand = arena.floatRandomMatrix(16, 16);
// per component sum, allocates new matrix
floatMxN compSumMat = matI + matRand;
// adds 1f to compSumMat inplace, allocating nothing
floatOP.addInpl(compSumMat, 1f);
// mulls matI into compSumMat inplace, allocating nothing
floatOP.compMulInpl(compSumMat, matI);
// creates random matrix with range from -3f to 3f
floatMxN A = arena.floatRandomDiagonalMatrix(dim, -3f, 3f);
floatMxN B = arena.floatRandomDiagonalMatrix(dim, -3f, 3f);
// dot multiply A and B, will allocate new matrix
floatMxN C = floatOP.dot(A, B);
// adds 5f to element on [0, 0] coords
C[0, 0] += 5f;
floatN b = arena.floatVec(dim, 1f);
floatN x_result = arena.floatVec(dim, 1f);
// solves linear system Ax = b inplace using QR, will allocate nothing permament
// but will modify A and b
OrthoOP.qrDirectSolve(ref A, ref b, ref x_result);
// calculate L1 norm
float norm = floatNormsOP.L1(x_result);
// prints C matrix, although it will be cutoff because of big dimensions
// returns true for all elements c_ij > a_ij, else false
// will allocate
boolMxN matCompare = C > A;
// flips booleans, will allocate
matCompare = !matCompare;
// creates 3 new allocations
boolMxN matCompare2 = C > A | C < B;
// clears all temporary allocations
// creates new int vector with dimensions of 10 and valued at 32
intN intVec = arena.intVec(10, 32);
// applies bitwise OR to elements, allocates new vector
intVec |= 64;
// also allocates, inplace methods do exist though
intVec = 2 + (intVec << 2) + intVec;
// creates new integer matrix
intMxN intMat = arena.intRandomMatrix(10, 10, 0, 10);
// creates new double matrix
doubleMxN doubleMat = arena.doubleRandomMatrix(10, 10, 0, 10);
// creates new short matrix
shortMxN shortMat = arena.shortRandomMatrix(10, 10, 0, 10);
// creates new long matrix
longMxN longMat = arena.longRandomMatrix(10, 10, 0, 10);
// mean of a vec
double mean = doubleStatsOP.mean(in doubleMat);
// mean of a vec
double max = doubleStatsOP.max(in doubleMat);
// vector of means of each row
doubleN rowMean = doubleStatsOP.rowMean(in doubleMat);
// clears and dispose all allocated vectors/matrices, disposes also arena
- ✅ Basic Unity.mathematics operations
- ✅ float, double, int, short, long, bool vectors and matrices
- ✅ Some basic statistics
- ✅ Basic vector-vector, vector-matrix, matrix-vector and matrix-matrix operations
- ✅ QR decomposition & solver for well-determined and over-determined systems
- ✅ Pivoting
- 🔳 LU decomposition & solver
- 🔳 View/Slice
- 🔳 Find/Query operations (e.g.: find row with biggest L2 norm)
- 🔳 SVD decomposition
- 🔳 Optimizers? (min/max of function, gradient descent, root finding.. )
- Better arena management and standalone vec/mat management (without arena allocation)
- Test arena/vec/mat allocated outside jobs (On normal C# thread)
- Refactor, unify the names / simplify
- More safety checks
- Vec/Mat views (simple structs for easier read/write)
- More stats functions and tests
- More solvers (LU, Pivoted LU)
- Least squares
- Sparse matrix?
- Documentation