Hi there! I'm Vijay Krishna Chauhan, a passionate web developer with a love for building amazing web applications. My main areas of expertise include Front End Development using ReactJS, and I'm always eager to learn new things.
- π± Currently exploring Backend Development
- π¬ Ask me about Web development and Java programming language related problems.
- π« How to reach me: chauhanvijaykrishna@gmail.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/vijay-krishna-chauhan/
Here are a few projects that I'm particularly proud of:
Recipe Information(Link to Repository)
Description: Implemented a full-stack web application using the MERN technology stack. Integrated the Mealdb API to enable users to search for meals based on their preferences. Developed a user-friendly interface allowing users to easily add or remove meals from their favorites list. Leveraged MongoDB Atlas to securely store user login information and saved favorite meals. This project showcases my proficiency in MERN technology and demonstrates my ability to develop dynamic and interactive web applications.
- Languages: Java, C, SQL, JavaScript, HTML
- Frameworks and Libraries: React, Node.js, Tailwind CSS
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
Let's connect and collaborate! You can find me on:
Looking forward to connecting with fellow developers and exploring new opportunities!