Releases: vigoren/foundryvtt-shields-io-badge
Releases · vigoren/foundryvtt-shields-io-badge
v1.2.0 - Foundry Version 10 Compatibility
Game System Versions
- Added a new options when generating Game System badges to show the version of the system that the module/world requires.
- Added some more details to any logged errors to make them a bit more useful.
- Updated all dependencies to the latest versions.
1.1.0 - System Badge, Website
- Added a new badge for showing which system/systems a world or module support. Check out the readme for more details on how to use it!
- Updated the main landing page to allow for easy generation of the badges!
- Select which badge you want to create.
- Enter the URL for your system, module or world manifest.
- Copy the generated URL and use.
1.0.5 - World.json Support
- Added support for world.json files to display the core version that was used to create the world.
v1.0.2 Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where manifest files that used a number for the core or compatible versions would fail to parse.
v.1.0.1 - Fixes
v.1.0.1 - Fixes
A small fix with this release:
- Updated the Label on the badge so that if only 1 version of foundry is supported the text says version instead of versions.
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
This is the initial release of this service with a very simple webpage and 1 badge route that will generate a supported foundry vtt versions badge based on the passed in manifest.