Ecommerce App Built with the Mern Stack.
- MicroServices Architecture (not using bcoz of complexity) ❌
- Azure - Deploying backend.
- mongoDB Atlas - deploy database
- vercel - Deploy frontend.
- OAuth for github and google Auth.
- Integrating External Api's like Strip and razorpay for payments, twilio for notifications.
- Testing (postman, jest, supertest, mongodb-memory-server) -> unit test + integration tests.
Fork the repository
Clone it on your local machine.
git clone
Start Backend
cd mernEcommerce/server npm install
create a .env file and add the your mongodb uri and other variables similar to .env.example
touch .env
To run the backend
npm start
Start frontend
cd mernEcommerce/client npm install
create a .env file and add Github client and url similar to .env.example
touch .env
To Run the frontend
npm run dev
- To insert products data into the mongodb database
cd server/src/utils/ node insertData.js