This repo is mainly a addon residual for Crocoddyl for collision avoidance for trajectory optimisation and model predictive control (MPC). It has several dependencies:
- HPPFCL : (commit: 65fb435b44a1bbd5059347d7a311cc7c7aa1349e) for collision computations.
- Pinocchio: (v2.7.0) fast rigid body dynamics.
- Crocoddyl: (commit: 5b415a16138d)framework for the solver.
- Pybullet:
- MiM Solvers: solver for the SQP and Constrained-SQP solver.
HPP-FCL & Pinocchio must be built from sources. Don't forget to checkout to the right commits. Build pinocchio with the flag : WITH_COLLISION_SUPPORT=ON.
Before trying the scripts, test your hppfcl installation. To do this and make sure the hppfcl librairy works well in your computer, run :
python tests/
If you have a problem with FakeCollisionGeometry
, it is likely that the linking of Pinocchio with HPPFCL wasn't done properly. Verify that you have the right commits & the right compilation flags.
If the unit tests don't pass, it is likely that you don't have the right HPPFCL version.
Simply run python examples/
As the code is still in developpement, the code is constantly moving and sometimes, examples do not work. Hence, do not hesitate to contact me at
The examples are based on from Sebastien Kleff.
Please, if you use this library, please cite this paper: