This project provides a sample application that leverages the IBM Connections Cloud APIs to create a social photo sharing experience. The application can be easily deployed to IBM Bluemix or it can be deployed on its own.
A listing of the major components used in the application. Note that a number of these libraries require additional dependencies please refer to package.json and bower.json for a more comprehensive list.
Prerequisite: Ensure you have the latest version of Node and Bower installed on your machine.
Clone the github repository.
git clone
Move into the cloned directory.
cd photosharing-nodejs
Install Node modules via Node Package Manager.
npm install
Install Bower components.
bower install
Create new file named
for server credentials.
touch config/server.js
add the following code and pass credentials into the appropriate fields.
var server = {
callback: '',
clientSecret: '',
clientID: '',
domain: '',
exports.server = server;`
If running locally:
Start app with Node.
node bin/www
App is now running! Direct browser to
This code is licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the License.txt file in the root directory of this repository for more details.