This has no official affiliation with AMC. Henceforth, it does not offer any guarantees, liability or promises that
it works.
- Install it via HACS by adding custom repository
- Add new integration "AMC Alarm"
- Fill in your login and central credentials
- Zones, groups and areas are alarm panels.
- Notification list is in attributes of a sensor.
- Tamper system alerts are binary sensors.
- Outputs are present but untested.
Known to work on:
- K8/1.77
- X824/3.73
- X824V/4.10
- X64V/4.20
Presumable would be compatibly with anything that uses AMC Plus app. If it works for you - drop me a note.
The API code is mostly derived from DIA Chacon API. Hass integration and supporting GitHub/HACS manifests are stolen from HA Toyota. Thank you, guys!