High performance Restful web-service library written in C++11 based on boost.ASIO and CRUD handlers
This library supports persistent connections to achieve highest throughput and utilizes optinally regex for enpoints
git clone https://github.com/venediktov/CRUD.git
$ mkdir Release
$ cd Release
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCRUD_WITH_EXAMPLES=1 .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
$ make -j $(nproc) install
$ mkdir Release
$ cd Release
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCRUD_WITH_EXAMPLES=1 .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
$ make -j $(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu) install
$ cd Release/examples
$ ./webserver 8080 . &
$ ./simple_restful_service 8081 . &
$ ./regex_restful_service 8082 . &
$ ./persisted_regex_restful_service 8083 . &
curl localhost:8080
curl localhost:8081/venue_handler/RTB
curl localhost:8082/venue_handler/ANY/123
curl localhost:8083/venue_handler/ANY/123
ab -k -n 100000 -c 30 http://localhost:8081/RTB
ab -k -n 100000 -c 30 http://localhost:8082/ANY/123
ab -k -n 100000 -c 30 http://localhost:8083/ANY/123
pkill -9 "persisted|restful|webserver"
using regex_restful_dispatcher_t = http::crud::crud_dispatcher<http::server::request, http::server::reply>;
regex_restful_dispatcher_t regex_handler(".") ; //root is irrelavant for REST only used for web-server
regex_handler.crud_match(boost::regex("/venue_handler/(\w+)") )
.post([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<boost::cmatch> & match) {
r << "{}" << http::server::reply::flush("json") ;
std::cout << "POST group_1_match=[ << match[1] << "], request_data=" << match.data << std::endl;
using simple_restful_dispatcher_t = http::crud::crud_dispatcher<http::server::request, http::server::reply, std::string, std::string>;
simple_restful_dispatcher_t simple_handler(".") ; //root is irrelavant for REST only used for web-server
simple_handler.crud_match(std::string("/venue_handler/RTB") )
.post([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<std::string> & match) {
r << "{}" << http::server::reply::flush("json") ;
std::cout << "POST request_data=" << match.data << std::endl;
// CREAT/READ/UPDATE/DELETE "/venue_handler/XEMDP/123"
handler.crud_match(boost::regex("/venue_handler/(\\w+)/(\\d+)") )
.put([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<boost::cmatch> & match)
std::cout << "CREATE request=" << match[0] << "/" << match[1] << std::endl;
r = http::server::reply::stock_reply(http::server::reply::no_content);
.get([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<boost::cmatch> & match) {
r << "name: " << match[1] << ", instance number: " << match[2]
<< http::server::reply::flush("text") ;
std::cout << "READ request=" << match[0] << std::endl;
.post([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<boost::cmatch> & match) {
r << "name: " << match[1] << ", instance number: " << match[2]
<< http::server::reply::flush("text") ;
std::cout << "UPDATE request=" << match[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "UPDATE request_data=" << match.data << std::endl;
.del([](http::server::reply & r, const http::crud::crud_match<boost::cmatch> & match)
std::cout << "DELETE request=" << match[0] << "/" << match[1] << std::endl;
r = http::server::reply::stock_reply(http::server::reply::no_content);
}) ;
For keep-alive persistent connections specifiy second template argument with presistent type for connection
http::server::server<simple_restful_dispatcher_t, http::server::persistent_connection> server{host,port,handler};
http::server::server<simple_restful_dispatcher_t> server{host,port,handler};
Create a file .gitmodules in the root of your project with contents
[submodule "CRUD"]
path = CRUD
url = https://github.com/venediktov/CRUD.git
Or execute following command in your repo
git submodule add https://github.com/venediktov/CRUD
If you add CRUD as submodule you will have to use git clone --recursive
for your repo in order to get us as dependency
You can look at GitHub subtrees instead git subtree add --prefix CRUD git@github.com:venediktov/CRUD.git master --squash
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