lightweight CLI tool to parse a CDK log file and post changes to pull request requests. Can be used to get more confidence on approving pull requests because reviewer will be aware of changes done to your environments.
Install binary with latest release
curl -L "$(uname)_amd64.gz" -o cdk-notifier.gz
gunzip cdk-notifier.gz && chmod +x cdk-notifier && rm -rf cdk-notifier.gz
sudo mv cdk-notifier /usr/local/bin/cdk-notifier
Check Version and help
cdk-notifier --version
# 1.0.1
cdk-notifier --help
#Post CDK diff log to Github Pull Request
# cdk-notifier [flags]
# -d, --delete delete comments when no changes are detected for a specific tag id (default true)
# -o, --github-owner string Name of gitub owner. If not set will lookup for env var $CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME
# -r, --github-repo string Name of github repository without organisation. If not set will lookup for env var $CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME
# --github-token string Github token used to post comments to PR
# -h, --help help for cdk-notifier
# -l, --log-file string path to cdk log file (default "./data/cdk-small.log")
# -p, --pull-request-id int Id of github pull request. If not set will lookup for env var $CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER (default 23)
# -t, --tag-id string unique identifier for stack within pipeline (default "stack")
# -v, --verbosity string Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) (default "info")
# --version version for cdk-notifier
First create the output of cdk diff to file. You can stream cdk diff to stdout and to file with following. This tool most like runs in a CI environment. To avoid printing millions of lines you add progress flag.
cdk diff --progress=events &> >(tee cdk.log)
cdk-notifier will then analyze and transform the log by
- remove ASCII colors
- prepare additions and deletion for GitHub markdown diff
- truncate log if exceeding max length of body for comment and then send
cdk-notifier will post the processed log of cdk diff to PR if there are changes.
If a diff comment for tag-id exists and no changes are detected then comment will delete.
You can control this behavior with --delete false
cdk-notfier --github-owner some-org --githhub-repo some-repo --github-token 1234 --log-file ./cdk.log --tag-id my-stack --pull-request-id 12
The tag-id
has to be unique within one pipeline. It's been used to identify the comment to update or delete.
This is an example how the diff would like on github
cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-small.log -t test
If you run cdk-notifier on CircleCi you don't need to set owner, repo or token. CircleCi will provide default variables which will read in by cdk-notifier when cli arg is not set.
You can the add environment variable for github-token or set CLi arg github-token
Use Conventional Commit Messages. Semantic Release will release a new version with changelog.
# increase patch version
fix: fixing tests
# incease minor version
feat: add configuration
# increase major version:
feat: remove comments api
BREAKING CHANGE: remove comments api
# update docu
docs: update readme