Make School SPD 1.5 and Senior Winter Intensive
This is marketplace service that facilitates transactions between owners of 3D printers and users ("renters") who pay these owners to create specified products. Owners can create profiles and list products that they are willing to print and sell, and renters can browse products offered and reach out to owners to negotiate terms for a product. Additionally, renters can also provide detailed descriptions for their own bespoke products that skilled owners could create for them. This service is designed to accelerate the consumer 3D printing revolution by allowing everyone to partake in the joy of 3D printing, even those without knowledge of creating CAD files or working with 3D printers. For a deep dive into the validation for this idea, see this Medium post from one of the cofounders.
This app is deployed here:
Simply click the link above to start using Air3D today!
To launch this app on your local environment, clone this repository:
git clone
Then, set up a python virtual environment using:
python3 -m venv env
and then activate it:
source env/bin/activate
Next, install all the required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Finally, launch the app: