Allows you to produce Word Mail Merged documents from CiviCRM.
- Download extension from
- Unzip / untar the package and place it in your configured extensions directory.
- When you reload the Manage Extensions page the new “Word Mail Merge” extension should be listed with an install link.
- Proceed with install.
- Create your Template Word document using the necessary tokens. (Sample 'template.docx' & available 'token.odt' have been provided in the extension directory).
- Navigate to 'Mailings'->'Message Templates'.
- Click 'Add Message Template'.
- Give a name for your new template in 'Message Title' field in the New Message Template form.
- In 'Attachment( for WordMailMerge)' section, attach the template file created.
- Click 'Save'.
- Tick the 'Upload Document' checkbox in Source section.
- Attach your docx template in 'Upload Document' section.
- Make sure 'Wordmailmerge template' & 'Enabled?' checkboxes are ticked to use the Message Template as a Wordmailmerge template.
- Click 'Save'.
- Letters can be produced from the following search results
- 'Search'->'Find Contacts' or 'Search'->'Advanced Search'.
- 'Memberships' -> 'Find memberships' (** Use this search to print letters with membership related tokens **)
- Select the records that you want to send the letters from one of the above search results.
- Select 'Word Mail Merge' in the Actions drop down.
- All the available tokens will be listed in the Word Mail Merge screen to double check the usage of tokens in the docx.
- If you are happy with all your tokens, select the Message Template that you created from the Message Template drop down.
- Click 'Confirm Action'.
- Choose your destination to save the exported Document.
Ver 2.1 : 'Wordmailmerge Letter' activity will be recorded against each contact.