This repository is under alpha revision, beware when using it. Please wait for the first stable release for production use.
networkHub is a versatile framework designed to streamline the process of launching custom Vechain networks across various environments. It is tailored specifically for protocol and dapp development teams, providing a robust toolset to configure, start, stop, and manage blockchain networks with ease.
# Setup the preset network
> go run cmd/main.go cmd preset local threeMasterNodesNetwork /Users/pedro/go/src/
2024/06/07 17:31:43 INFO preset network config was successful... networkId=localthreeMaster
# Start preset network
> go run cmd/main.go cmd start localthreeMaster
2024/06/07 17:31:57 INFO Registered preset network networkId=threeMasterNodesNetwork
2024/06/07 17:31:57 INFO Registered preset network networkId=sixNodesNetwork
2024/06/07 17:31:57 INFO Starting network... ID=localthreeMaster
# Setup the preset network
> go run cmd/main.go cmd preset docker threeMasterNodesNetwork vechain/thor:latest
2024/06/13 17:15:18 INFO Configuring network...
2024/06/13 17:15:18 INFO Network saved to file filepath=/Users/pedro/go/src/
2024/06/13 17:15:18 INFO preset network config was successful... networkId=dockerthreeMaster
# Start preset network
> go run cmd/main.go cmd start dockerthreeMaster
2024/06/13 17:16:05 INFO Network created networkName=dockerthreeMaster-network
2024/06/13 17:16:06 INFO network started successfully...
# Start the networkhub api
go run ./cmd/main.go api
# Response
api called
Server started on :8080
# Start a local pre-setup configured network
# Must specify the path to thor locally
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/preset/threeMasterNodesNetwork \
-d '{"artifactPath":"/Users/pedro/go/src/", "environment":"local"}'
# Response
{"networkId": "localthreeMasterNodes"}
# Start the network
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/start/localthreeMasterNodes
# Response
Network Started
networkHub enables teams to quickly deploy custom networks, facilitating development and testing in a controlled environment. This framework is especially beneficial for protocol and dapp teams looking to experiment with network configurations and behaviors without the overhead of setting up infrastructure from scratch.
- Git: For cloning the repository.
- Golang: Version 1.19 or higher.
To setup networkHub, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Build the application:
go build -o networkHub ./cmd/main.go
- To run networkHub, execute:
This will display the available command-line options.go run ./cmd/main.go
To launch the framework in API mode, use the following command:
./networkHub api
go run ./cmd/main.go api
Below are some example curl
requests to interact with the networkHub via its HTTP API.
(Note: Replace <api-url>
with the actual URL where networkHub API is hosted.)
Configure Network:
# Request curl -X POST <api-url>/config -d '{...}' # {...} is a network config json # Response {"networkId": "8b38927893d1fc841b7bedcbaebb03821000908cfa1ee07a09002bc0e0ed3caf"}
Start Network:
# Request curl -X POST <api-url>/start/8b38927893d1fc841b7bedcbaebb03821000908cfa1ee07a09002bc0e0ed3caf # Response Network Started
Stop Network:
# Request curl -X POST <api-url>/stop/8b38927893d1fc841b7bedcbaebb03821000908cfa1ee07a09002bc0e0ed3caf # Response Network Stopped
The thorbuilder
package is a key component of the networkHub framework. It simplifies building the Thor binary from a specified branch, ensuring that developers can easily work with customized or updated versions of the Thor client.
- Download Thor Source: Fetches the Thor source code from the specified branch.
- Build Thor Binary: Compiles the source code into a working binary.
package main
import (
func main() {
branch := "master"
builder := thorbuilder.New(branch)
if err := builder.Download(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to download source: %v", err)
thorBinaryPath, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to build binary: %v", err)
slog.Info("Thor binary built successfully at: %s", thorBinaryPath)