CoNLL 2017 Shared Task Team Orange-Deskiñ (Orange/OLPS/CONTENT/DESKIÑ)
We use a modified version of BistParser (, old version which uses CNN library (, which
- only outputs dependency trees with a unique root
- uses pseudo projectivisation
- can deal with conllu (comments, 2-3 and 5.1 lines)
- filter word embeddings: we only load vectors of words needed for the current corpus
- changed CNN to accept different number of word embeddings during training and prediction
Everything is trained exclusively on Universial Dependency Conll2017 treebanks. Word embeddings have been calculated on corpora taken from These corpora have been cleaned: split punctuation marks from prededing (or following) words. Transform all characters into lowercase (for languages written with Latin, Cyrillic or Greek alphabets).
This version of BistParser still uses the legacy library cnn (, which has to be adapted in order to allow to load only word-embeddings of words seen in the text to parse.
In order to get it running:
get cnn-v1:
git clone
get eigen:
hg clone
replace cnn/model.h
by the file in cnn-modifs
compile cnn:
cd cnn-v1
mkdir build
pushd build
cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=../eigen
modify pycnn/ (directory "../../cnn
" should be "../../cnn-v1
") and compile the python interface:
cd pycnn
make install
You need external word embeddings produced with word2vec
If you want to use pseudo-projectivisation, pass you treebanks trough py/
py/ -c train.conllu > train-pojective.conllu
If your treebank file contains comments or multi-word lines (2-3 ...
), you must delete
set environment variable to find cnn-python-library
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=PATH/TO/cnn-v1/pycnn
run training
python bistparser/barchybrid/src/ \
--cnn-mem 4000 \
--outdir /PATH/TO/OUTDIR \
--train train-projective.conllu \
--dev dev-projective.conllu \
--epochs 20 --lstmdims 125 \
--lstmlayers 2 --bibi-lstm \
--k 3 --usehead --userl \
--extrn word2vec.cbow.bin \
--extrnFilter train-words-to-load.txt \
[--hidden 50]
The file train-words-to-load.txt
contains the words to load from word2vec is created by the
following command:
cut -f2 train-projective.conllu | sort -u > forms.txt
cut -f3 train-projective.conllu | sort -u > lemmas.txt
cat forms.txt lemmas.txt | perl -CSD -ne 'print lc' | sort -u > train-words-to-load.txt.txt
The option --extrnFilter
is facultative. But since the word-embeddings
files contain millions of words (depending of the configuration of
) and the train treebank contains only a subset of those, it saves
time and memory usage to load only word embeddings of words needed.
Find the best model which the training has produced. It will be one of
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=PATH/TO/cnn-v1/pycnn
The file test-words-to-load.txt
contains the words of the text file
cut -f2 test-projective.conllu | sort -u > forms.txt
cut -f3 test-projective.conllu | sort -u > lemmas.txt
cat forms.txt lemmas.txt | perl -CSD -ne 'print lc' | sort -u > test-words-to-load.txt.txt
Finally you can parser POS-tagged texts:
python bistparser/barchybrid/src/ \
--cnn-mem 4000 --predict \
--outfile result.conllu \
--test test-projective.conllu \
--model /PATH/TO/OUTDIR/barchhybrid.model_NNN \
--params /PATH/TO/OUTDIR/params.pickle \
--k 3 --usehead --userl \
--extrn word2vec.cbow.bin \
--extrnFilter train-words-to-load.txt \
--extrnFilterNew test-words-to-load.txt
Finally de-projectivise output if you have projectivised:
py/ -d result.conllu > result-deprojectivised.conllu
- Kiperwasser, E.; Goldberg, Y. (2016): Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations. In: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, vol. 4, pp. 313–327.
- Heinecke, J.; Asadullah, M. (2017): Multi-Model and Crosslingual Dependency Analysis. In: Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task; Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. ACL, pp. 111-118 (Poster presented at CoNLL 2017 in Vancouver BC).