A modular set of YAML files to use in ESPHome with hardware from VDBX.io
25.03 - Removed number.hours_counter from base config due to calculation bug. Replaced with uptime sensor in decimal hours. Working on an updated "engine hours" counter with more features.
change flip-c3.yaml
to any in the root directory
vdbxio.FLIP-C3: github://vdbxio/esphome-configs/flip-c3.yaml
- *.yaml - Device Configs
- /blueprints - HA Blueprints for use with devices
- /other - stuff I'm working on and prototypes to be chopped up
- /packages - baseline configs and combiners
- /include - functions
- /parts - component setups
- TODO - simplify baseline files - maybe /base
- /bin - binary packages and manifest for web installer
- upload.py - a script to batch upload firmware to devices
- usbmon.py - a script to help track down bad cables by monitoring connection stability
24.09 - This is now ahead of the wiki source with some minor cleanup, target changes, and slight improvements.
24.08 -This will be the new repository for configs which were previously in our wiki repo.
- Github Task to build firmware and manifest
- Add new remote update feature
- add
- clean up a bit more
- properly add CC-BY-SA 4.0 License