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sagemathgh-37028: add method to compute the longest (induced) cycle i…
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…n a (di)graph

This PR adds a method to compute the longest (induced) cycle in a
(di)graph. The method can also consider weighted cases.

This answers a request from

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- [x] The title is concise, informative, and self-explanatory.
- [x] The description explains in detail what this PR is about.
- [x] I have linked a relevant issue or discussion.
- [x] I have created tests covering the changes.
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### ⌛ Dependencies

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URL: sagemath#37028
Reported by: David Coudert
Reviewer(s): David Coudert, Travis Scrimshaw
  • Loading branch information
Release Manager committed Jan 16, 2024
2 parents bff7a54 + 8b71477 commit 0e229b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/doc/en/reference/references/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4700,6 +4700,12 @@ REFERENCES:
.. [MM2015] \J. Matherne and \G. Muller, *Computing upper cluster algebras*,
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2015, 3121-3149.
.. [MMRS2022] Ruslan G. Marzo, Rafael A. Melo, Celso C. Ribeiro and
Marcio C. Santos: *New formulations and branch-and-cut procedures
for the longest induced path problem*. Computers & Operations
Research. 139, 105627 (2022)
.. [Moh1988] \B. Mohar, *Isoperimetric inequalities, growth, and the spectrum
of graphs*, Linear Algebra and its Applications 103 (1988),
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307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/graphs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@
:meth:`~GenericGraph.feedback_vertex_set` | Compute the minimum feedback vertex set of a (di)graph.
:meth:`~GenericGraph.multiway_cut` | Return a minimum edge multiway cut
:meth:`~GenericGraph.max_cut` | Return a maximum edge cut of the graph.
:meth:`~GenericGraph.longest_cycle` | Return the longest (induced) cycle of ``self``.
:meth:`~GenericGraph.longest_path` | Return a longest path of ``self``.
:meth:`~GenericGraph.traveling_salesman_problem` | Solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP)
:meth:`~GenericGraph.is_hamiltonian` | Test whether the current graph is Hamiltonian.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7874,6 +7875,312 @@ def good_edge(e):

return val

def longest_cycle(self, induced=False, use_edge_labels=False,
solver=None, verbose=0, *, integrality_tolerance=0.001):
Return the longest (induced) cycle of ``self``.

This method uses an integer linear programming formulation based on
subtour elimination constraints to find the longest cycle. This cycle is
*elementary* (or *simple*), and so without repeated vertices. When
searching for an *induced* cycle (i.e., a cycle without chord), it uses
in addition cycle elimination constraints as proposed in [MMRS2022]_.

We assume that the longest cycle in graph has at least 3 vertices and at
least 2 in a digraph. The longest induced cycle as at least 4 vertices
in both a graph and a digraph.

.. NOTE::

Graphs and digraphs with loops or multiple edges are currently not
accepted. It is certainly possible to extend the method to accept


- ``induced`` -- boolean (default: ``False``); whether to return the
longest induced cycle or the longest cycle

- ``use_edge_labels`` -- boolean (default: ``False``); whether to
compute a cycle with maximum weight where the weight of an edge is
defined by its label (a label set to ``None`` or ``{}`` being
considered as a weight of `1`), or to compute a cycle with the largest
possible number of edges (i.e., edge weights are set to 1)

- ``solver`` -- string (default: ``None``); specify a Mixed Integer
Linear Programming (MILP) solver to be used. If set to ``None``, the
default one is used. For more information on MILP solvers and which
default solver is used, see the method :meth:`solve
<sage.numerical.mip.MixedIntegerLinearProgram.solve>` of the class

- ``verbose`` -- integer (default: ``0``); sets the level of
verbosity; set to ``0`` by default, which means quiet

- ``integrality_tolerance`` -- float; parameter for use with MILP
solvers over an inexact base ring; see


A subgraph of ``self`` corresponding to a (directed if ``self`` is
directed) longest (induced) cycle. If ``use_edge_labels == True``, a
pair ``weight, cycle`` is returned.


Longest (induced) cycle of a graph::

sage: G = graphs.Grid2dGraph(3, 4)
sage: G.longest_cycle(induced=False)
longest cycle from 2D Grid Graph for [3, 4]: Graph on 12 vertices
sage: G.longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle from 2D Grid Graph for [3, 4]: Graph on 10 vertices

Longest (induced) cycle in a digraph::

sage: D = digraphs.Circuit(8)
sage: D.add_edge(0, 2)
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=False)
longest cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 8 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 7 vertices
sage: D.add_edge(1, 0)
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=False)
longest cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 8 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 7 vertices
sage: D.add_edge(2, 0)
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=False)
longest cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 8 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 0 vertices

Longest (induced) cycle when considering edge weights::

sage: D = digraphs.Circuit(15)
sage: for u, v in D.edges(labels=False):
....: D.set_edge_label(u, v, 1)
sage: D.add_edge(0, 10, 50)
sage: D.add_edge(11, 1, 1)
sage: D.add_edge(13, 0, 1)
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=False, use_edge_labels=False)
longest cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 15 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=False, use_edge_labels=True)
(55, longest cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 6 vertices)
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True, use_edge_labels=False)
longest induced cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 11 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True, use_edge_labels=True)
(54, longest induced cycle from Circuit: Digraph on 5 vertices)


Small cases::

sage: Graph().longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Graph on 0 vertices
sage: Graph(1).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Graph on 0 vertices
sage: Graph([(0, 1)]).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Graph on 0 vertices
sage: Graph([(0, 1), (1, 2)]).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Graph on 0 vertices
sage: Graph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Graph on 3 vertices
sage: Graph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]).longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle: Graph on 0 vertices
sage: DiGraph().longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Digraph on 0 vertices
sage: DiGraph(1).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Digraph on 0 vertices
sage: DiGraph([(0, 1), (1, 0)]).longest_cycle()
longest cycle: Digraph on 2 vertices
sage: DiGraph([(0, 1), (1, 0)]).longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle: Digraph on 0 vertices

Disconnected digraph::

sage: D = digraphs.Circuit(5) + digraphs.Circuit(4)
sage: D.longest_cycle()
longest cycle from Subgraph of (Circuit disjoint_union Circuit): Digraph on 5 vertices
sage: D.longest_cycle(induced=True)
longest induced cycle from Subgraph of (Circuit disjoint_union Circuit): Digraph on 5 vertices
G = self
st = f" from {}" if else ""
name = f"longest{' induced' if induced else ''} cycle{st}"

# Helper functions to manipulate weights
if use_edge_labels:
def weight(e):
return 1 if (len(e) < 3 or e[2] is None) else e[2]

def total_weight(gg):
return sum(weight(e) for e in gg.edge_iterator())
def weight(e):
return 1

def total_weight(gg):
return gg.order()

directed = G.is_directed()
immutable = G.is_immutable()
if directed:
from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph as MyGraph
blocks = G.strongly_connected_components()
from sage.graphs.graph import Graph as MyGraph
blocks = G.blocks_and_cut_vertices()[0]

# Deal with graphs with multiple biconnected components
if len(blocks) > 1:
best = MyGraph(name=name, immutable=immutable)
best_w = 0
for block in blocks:
if induced and len(block) < 4:
h = G.subgraph(vertices=block)
C = h.longest_cycle(induced=induced,
solver=solver, verbose=verbose,
if total_weight(C) > best_w:
best = C
best_w = total_weight(C)
return (best_w, best) if use_edge_labels else best

# We now know that the graph is biconnected or that the digraph is
# strongly connected.

if ((induced and G.order() < 4) or
(not induced and ((directed and G.order() < 2) or
(not directed and G.order() < 3)))):
if use_edge_labels:
return 0, MyGraph(name=name, immutable=immutable)
return MyGraph(name=name, immutable=immutable)
if (not induced and ((directed and G.order() == 2) or
(not directed and G.order() == 3))):
answer = G.copy()
if use_edge_labels:
return total_weight(answer), answer
return answer

# Helper functions to index edges
if directed:
def F(e):
return e[:2]
def F(e):
return frozenset(e[:2])

from sage.numerical.mip import MixedIntegerLinearProgram
from sage.numerical.mip import MIPSolverException

p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True,

# We need one binary variable per vertex and per edge
vertex = p.new_variable(binary=True)
edge = p.new_variable(binary=True)

# Objective function: maximize the size of the cycle
p.set_objective(p.sum(weight(e) * edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_iterator()))

# We select as many vertices as edges
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_iterator())
== p.sum(vertex[u] for u in G))

if directed:
# If a vertex is selected, one of its incoming (resp. outgoing) edge
# must be selected, and none of them otherwise
for u in G:
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.outgoing_edge_iterator(u))
<= vertex[u])
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.incoming_edge_iterator(u))
<= vertex[u])
# If a vertex is selected, two of its incident edges must be
# selected, and none of them otherwise
for u in G:
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_iterator(u))
<= 2 * vertex[u])

if induced:
# An edge is selected if its end vertices are.
# We use the linearization of the quadratic constraint
# vertex[u] * vertex[v] == edge[F((u, v))]
for e in G.edge_iterator():
f = F(e)
u, v = f
p.add_constraint(edge[f] <= vertex[u])
p.add_constraint(edge[f] <= vertex[v])
p.add_constraint(vertex[u] + vertex[v] <= edge[f] + 1)

# An induced cycle has at least 4 vertices
p.add_constraint(p.sum(vertex[u] for u in G), min=4)

best = MyGraph(name=name, immutable=immutable)
best_w = 0

# We add cut constraints for as long as we find solutions
while True:
except MIPSolverException:
# No (new) solution found

# We build the Graph representing the current solution
b_val = p.get_values(edge, convert=bool, tolerance=integrality_tolerance)
edges = (e for e in G.edge_iterator() if b_val[F(e)])
h = MyGraph(edges, format='list_of_edges', name=name, immutable=immutable)
if not h:
# No new solution found

# If there is only one cycle, we are done !
if directed:
cc = h.strongly_connected_components()
cc = h.connected_components(sort=False)
if len(cc) == 1:
if total_weight(h) > best_w:
best = h
best_w = total_weight(best)

# Otherwise, we add subtour elimination constraints
for c in cc:
if not (induced and len(c) < 4):
hh = h.subgraph(vertices=c)
if total_weight(hh) > best_w:
best = hh
best_w = total_weight(best)

# Add subtour elimination constraints
if directed:
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_boundary(c)), min=1)
c = set(c)
cbar = (v for v in G if v not in c)
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_boundary(cbar, c)), min=1)
p.add_constraint(p.sum(edge[F(e)] for e in G.edge_boundary(c)), min=2)

if induced:
# We eliminate this cycle
p.add_constraint(p.sum(vertex[u] for u in c) <= len(c) - 1)

# We finally set the positions of the vertices and return the result
if G.get_pos():
best.set_pos({u: pp for u, pp in G.get_pos().items() if u in best})
return (best_w, best) if use_edge_labels else best

def longest_path(self, s=None, t=None, use_edge_labels=False, algorithm="MILP",
solver=None, verbose=0, *, integrality_tolerance=1e-3):
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