- Velero is an open source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.
- Restic is a modern backup program that can back up your files from Linux, BSD, Mac and Windows, to many different storage types, including self-hosted and online services.
- We will use a bucket S3 from MinIO for Object Store, using AWS Velero provider, and MinIO for Volume Snapshotter using Restic.
- Requirements
- Install MinIO
- Install Velero with Restic
- Backup
- Restore
- source of information
- Kubernetes cluster, v1.10 or later.
- Storageclasses. You need one to create persistent volumes.
Deploy MinIO using official documentation from "https://docs.min.io/docs/deploy-minio-on-kubernetes.html", you can deploy using Helm or deploy the Operator. We have deploy MinIO using Helm3 controlling the deploy with ArgoCD. If you want to deploy MinIO using Argocd, fork or clone the repositorie "https://github.com/minio/charts", you should change the values according your requirements. Once you have your repository ready create the applitacion in ArgoCD.
argocd app create eks-tyc-minio --repo https://github.com/vass-engineering/EKS-TyC-minio.git --revision EKS-TyC-1.0.0 --path minio --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace eks-tyc-minio --project default --values values.yaml --sync-policy automated --auto-prune --self-heal
Once you have deployed MinIO in one way or the other, access to MinIO console. In order to access to the console you can use the ingress if you enabled to true the ingress parameters in the values.yaml, or you can access using port-fordward. "kubectl port-forward 9000", in the last case you should access using the next URL: http://localhost:9000.
Obtain the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY from the k8s secret created.
SECRET_KEY=$(kubectl get secret eks-tyc-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.secretkey}" | base64 --decode)
Create a bucket and change the permisions :
- Create a file "credentials-velero" with the S3(MinIO) credential access.
vi credentials-velero
aws_access_key_id = 8VvxxxLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = m0scxxxx0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
- Change <> with your environment details:
velero install --provider <provider> --plugins <plugins,...> --bucket <bucket-name> --secret-file <secret-file> --use-restic --backup-location-config region=<region>,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://<S3-URL>:9000,publicUrl=https://<S3-URL> --use-volume-snapshots=false --image velero/velero:v1.4.0
- Example:
velero install --provider aws --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.0.1 --bucket backupeks --secret-file ./credentials-minio --use-restic --backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://eks-tyc-minio.eks-tyc-minio.svc.cluster.local:9000,publicUrl=https://minio.tyc.vass.es --use-volume-snapshots=false --image velero/velero:v1.4.0
- Backup a namespace
velero backup create <backup-name> --snapshot-volumes=false --include-namespaces <namespace>
velero backup create eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-20022021 --snapshot-volumes=false --include-namespaces eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics
You can see you backup and details with the next velero commands, also you will see in MinIO your new Backup.
velero get backups
eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-22022021 Completed 2021-02-22 11:21:16 +0100 CET 28d default <none>
velero describe backup eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-22022021
Name: eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-22022021
Namespace: velero
Labels: velero.io/storage-location=default
Annotations: velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-gitversion=v1.18.9-eks-d1db3c
Phase: Completed
- Backup a NAMESPACE including PVS
You must add an annotation in order to backup a pv.
Annotations for Restic:
kubectl annotate pod/<pod-name> backup.velero.io/backup-volumes=<volume-name>
kubectl annotate pod/eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-0 backup.velero.io/backup-volumes=data-vol-eks
Backup the namespace including the pv.
velero backup create eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics-20022021 --snapshot-volumes=false --include-namespaces eks-tyc-kube-opex-analytics
When you backup a PV using Restic, you will see in MinIO, in the bucket the snapshot. Restic will store the differents snapshots from one NameSpace in the folder Snapshots.
- Backup all the cluster.
velero backup create <name of the backup>
- List all the backups
velero get backups
- Manual Restore
velero restore create <RESTORE_NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP_NAME>
- Create a restore including the nginx and default namespaces
velero restore create --from-backup backup-1 --include-namespaces nginx,default
- Create a restore excluding the kube-system and default namespaces
velero restore create --from-backup backup-1 --exclude-namespaces kube-system,default
https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero https://documentation.suse.com/suse-caasp/4.2/html/caasp-admin/_backup_and_restore_with_velero.html#_restore https://velero.io/ https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-back-up-and-restore-a-kubernetes-cluster-on-digitalocean-using-velero https://docs.pivotal.io/tkgi/1-10/velero-install.html