Making MERN Stack Youtube with Crop and resize functionality
The application allows users to upload video content. They can upload one video or multiple videos at once. Users can share their videos or watch a video shared by others.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server + React using following Steps
$ git clone
$ cd youtube
$ npm install
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ npm run dev
- mongoose backend env on Heroku if you need access for DB let me know
- Responsive ANT Design
- Every Video has shareable hashed URL
- Multi Video using Multer
- FFmpeg for Thumbnaiil
- Recommendation using created_at video
- JWT for login
http://localhost:3000/video/upload http://localhost:3000/video/5fe3ccb52c56cd85e1194540 => Shareable hash
- Uploaded compressed videos go to Uploads Folder
- FFmpeg thumbnails in uploads/thumbnail
Deployed on Heroku on free dynos so might crash sometimes :