8bit avatar generator like one below.
Inspired by https://github.com/matveyco/8biticon (icons also theirs). Generate same icons for same ids like gravatar, Use email or md5 or any string for generating and get the same avatar.
Where: id - your user id s - sex (male|female) size - avatar size
Install the module with: npm install avatar-generator
var avatar = require('./lib/avatar-generator')({
//Optional settings. Default settings in 'settings.js'
order:'background face clothes head hair eye mouth'.split(' '), //order in which sprites should be combined
images:require('path').join(__dirname,'./img'), // path to sprites
convert:'convert' //Path to imagemagick convert
avatar('User ID (email or hash or any string)', 'male|female', 400)
avatar('User ID', 'male|female', imageWidth)
.write(filename, function (err) {});
avatar('User ID', 'male|female', imageWidth)
.toBuffer(function (err,buffer){
//Do something with buffer. eg buffer.toString('base64');
avatar('User ID', 'male|female', imageWidth)
Install with cli command
$ npm install -g avatar-generator
$ avatar-generator --help
$ avatar-generator --version
See example/*.js
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Copyright (c) 2014 Alex R
Licensed under the MIT license.