This is improvement Version of paulononaka/Android-InstallInBackgroundSample
- Enable Gradle Build System instead of ADT
- Change Layout Position
- Up to SDK Version / min: 8 -> 15 / target: 8 -> 23
I don't have any device with root permission, so i can't test it myself.
But my friend tested this code.
Please notice to @WindSekirun or @paulononaka if you success to run this code with other device
- Galaxy S7 SM-G930S | for Korea Market | Exynos 8890, LRDDR 4GB, Marshmallow 6.0 APD1
- I don't know exactly device name and info, but it run Kitkat 4.4.2
During Test, i discovered something important information.
When you use this code, you don't need to sign with Google.Keystore, just sign it with YOUR OWN KEYSTORE
I'm not owner of this code. if you have any issue of this code, please notice to @paulononaka , not me. and, I follow owner's license policy.