Password Schema Validator is an extension for Active Model Validations that provides an easy way to validate a password or a string against a user defined schema. This gem is a motivation from the npm module -
gem 'password_schema_validator', '~> 1.0'
Password Schema Validator needs to be used like a usual Rails model validation. Suppose, a field named 'password' is to be validated. For this, a schema needs to be defined with the options available in the 'password_schema_validator' and this schema should to be passed to the 'with_schema' validator.
class User
validates :name, presence: true
validates :password, with_schema: {
min_len: 5,
max_len: 10,
digits: true
and now, one can use this as .........
user = "duke_nukem", password: "pass")
user.valid? # false
user.errors.messages # { :password => ["must be minimum 5 character long", "must contain digits"] }
user = "duke_nukem", password: "$pass123")
user.valid? # true
Option key | Value datatype | Description |
min_len | integer |
validates if the password has at least "min_len" characters. |
max_len | integer |
validates if the password has not more than "max_len" characters. |
lower_case | boolean |
validates if the password has at least one lower case character. |
upper_case | boolean |
validates if the password has at least one upper case character. |
letters | boolean |
validates if the password has at least one letter [a-z, A-Z]. |
digits | boolean |
validates if the password has at least one numerical character. |
special_charater | boolean |
validates if the password has at least one special character. |
discarded_words | array |
validates if the password if not one among the discarded word list. |
- Add option to support a dictionary of weak passwords to prevent user from choosing some weak passwords like "password" or "password123".
- Add option to support explicitely specify allowed special characters in the options.
- Documentation via Rdoc.
Pull Requests and Bug Fixes are most welcome.
- Fork the Project.
- Run bundle.
- Make your feature branch or Bug-Fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so that it doesn't break future versions unintentionally.
- Commit the changes without messing with the history or version.
- Create Pull request.