Madhav Store Ecommerce Sales Dashboard, This project was created using Power BI Desktop to help the owner of Madhav Store track and analyze their online sales across India.
The owner of the Madhav Store wants us to help them create a dashboard to track and analyze their online sales across India. By creating an interactive dashboard, we aimed to provide the owner with a tool to make data-driven decisions and enhance their online sales strategy.
During this project, the following key skills and techniques were utilized:
- Used multiple data sources and created an interactive dashboard to track and analyze online sales data.
- I used complex parameters to drill down in the worksheet and customize it using filters and slicers.
- Created connections, joined new tables, and calculations to manipulate data and enable user-driven parameters for visualizations.
- Different types of customized visualizations (bar chart, doughnut chart, clustered bar chart, scatter chart, line chart, area chart, map, slicers, etc.) were used.
The sales data is stored in CSV format, split across two files. The following steps were followed in the project:
- Extract the Data: The sales data was extracted from the provided CSV files.
- Transform the Data: Power BI's Power Query editor was utilized to transform and clean the raw data, making it suitable for analysis.
- Load the Data in Power BI: The transformed data was loaded into Power BI for visualization and analysis.