Modern key-value (KV) stores adopt the LSM-tree as the core data structure
for managing KV pairs, but suffer from high write and read amplifications.
Existing LSM-tree optimizations often make design trade-offs and are unable to
simultaneously achieve high performance in writes, reads, and scans. To
resolve the design tensions, we propose DiffKV
, which builds on KV
separation to carefully manage the ordering for keys and values. DiffKV
manages keys using the conventional LSM-tree with fully-sorted ordering
(within each level of the LSM-tree), while managing values with
partially-sorted ordering with respect to the fully-sorted ordering of keys
in a coordinated way for preserving high scan performance. We further propose
fine-grained KV separation to differentiate KV pairs by size, so as to realize
balanced performance under mixed workloads. Experimental results show that
can simultaneously achieve nearly the best performance in all aspects
among existing LSM-tree-optimized KV stores.
- Yongkun Li, Zhen Liu, Patrick P. C. Lee, Jiayu Wu, Yinlong Xu, Yi Wu, Liu Tang, Qi Liu, Qiu Cui. Differentiated Key-Value Storage Management for Balanced I/O Performance
The prototype is written in C++ based on Titan (A RocksDB Plugin to Reduce Write Amplification).
And we also commit our implementation to mainstream in Titan.
Minimal setup to test the prototype:
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Tools:
- CMake 3.14.5+
- Libraries:
$ git clone --recursive
# Build rocksdb
$ cd dep/rocksdb
$ make static_lib -j
# Build diffkv
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DROCKSDB_DIR=$(pwd)/../dep/rocksdb -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make diffkv -j
Install pebblesDB
generate workloads by YCSB-C, the C++ version of YCSB
$ cd bench_tools/YCSB-C
$ sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j
See help message
$ ./ycsbc -help
# output
Usage: ./ycsbc [options]
-threads n: execute using n threads (default: 1)
-db dbname: specify the name of the DB (rocksdb/pebblesdb/titan/diffkv)
-phase load/run: load the database or run the benchamark
-dbfilename path: specify the path of the database (make sure path exist
-configpath path: specify the path of the config file (templetes config fi-
les in configDir directory )
-P propertyfile: load properties from the given file. Multiple files can be
specified, and will be processed in the order specified
# load database
$ ./ycsbc -db diffkv -dbfilename #path -threads 16 -P workloads/workloadpareto1KB100GB.spec -phase load -configpath configDir/diffkv_config.ini
$ ./ycsbc -db diffkv -dbfilename #path -threads 16 -P workloads/workloadpareto1KBcorea100GB.spec -phase run -configpath configDir/diffkv_config.ini
# sepBeforeFlush: control whether open the KV separation
# smallThresh: equivalent to value_small in paper
# midThresh: equivalent to value_large in paper
# gcRatio: equivalent to gc_threshold in paper
# runGC: control whether to enable gc
# levelMerge: equivalent to compaction-triggered merge in paper
# rangeMerge: equivalent to scan-optimized merge in paper
# lazyMerge: equivalent to lazy merge in paper
# maxSortedRuns: equivalent to max_sorted_run in paper