Repository for the paper "Batch Effect Removal via Batch-Free Encoding" by Uri Shaham.
- Data files should appear in a data folder specified in data_path.
- Source and training data should be in CSV format with observations in rows and markers in columns without headers.
- Their filenames should be: source_train_data.csv and target_train_data.csv. Test data files are optional.
- If not supplied, the train files will also use for testing.
- Otherwise, they should follow the same format and be named source_test_data.csv and target_test_data.csv.
- The training script is
- It should be supplied the path to the data folder, and optionally also hyperparameter setting.
- The data is saved in output/calibrated_data_org_scale.
- For visualization and evaluation purposes, we also save the data in output/calibrated data. Note that this data is not in its original scale - it is processed using log transformation and z-scoring.
- In addition, we provide an evaluation script that examins the reconstruction errors, plots the calibrated data, examines correlation coefficients and calculated MMD estimates.
The following usage examples were used to obtain the results reported on the manuscript:
Calibration of cytof data
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --data_type "cytof" --model "mlp"
--n_epochs 1000 --AE_type "VAE" --code_dim 15 --beta .2 --gamma 10. --delta .05
--data_path './Data' --use_test
--experiment_name 'c15_beta.2_gamma10.0_delta.05_cytof_mlp' -
Visualize the calibration
python --use_test --data_type "cytof" -
Calibration of scRNA-seq data
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --n_epochs 1500 --data_type "other"
--data_path './Data/scRNA-seq' --model "mlp" --code_dim 20
--beta .1 --gamma 5. --delta .1 --decay_epochs 500
--experiment_name 'c20_beta.1_gamma5.0_delta.1_scRNA-seq_mlp' -
Visualize the calibration
python --data_type "other" -
TSNE embedding of scRNA-seq data
python -
Calibration improves identification of CD8 cells
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --data_type "cytof" --model "mlp"
--n_epochs 1000 --AE_type "VAE" --code_dim 15 --beta .01 --gamma .5 --delta .1
--data_path './Data' \
now compare classification results without calibration and with calibration
python --calib None # 5 run result: mean=.960 sd = .002
python --calib 'code' # 5 run result: mean=.950 sd = .004
It is very important to tune the hyperparameters specified in to get a satisfying result. In particular, the parameters beta,gamma and delta, which balance between all components of the loss need to be tuned carefully, for each dataset. They are currently tuned by the author for the available datasets. To help the user do that, it is highly recommended to: (i) use, and verify that the reconstructions and calibrations are both of high quality (ii) look at the tensorboard plots for each run.
Any questions should be referred to Uri Shaham,