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This container installs both duplicacy and duplicacy-util on top of debian buster-slim.


I wanted to backup up my NAS and ARM cluster to B2 because:

  • CrashPlan for home is dead
  • I don't want to pay per-machine for backups, I'd rather just pay for the storage
  • B2 is super cheap compared to the other options I looked at


I've tried to make this image as easy to use as possible. It expects to find the directory you want to back up mounted to the container as /data, and that there is a .duplicacy directory with proper settings at the root level of the directory.

Building the image

Change CONTAINER_NAME in the included Rakefile and run rake build_container to build an architecture-specific container yourself. If you want to use the experimental buildx support in Docker to generate a multi-architecture build, run rake buildx instead.

I've had issues with getting my multi-architecture builds to work on ARM though, so I publish separate images for Intel and ARM7 on docker hub as unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:armv7l and unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:x86_64.

Using with docker-compose

If you just want to run it with docker, you can run it with docker-compose. There are a few environment variables that the included backup-cronjob script looks for so it knows how many threads to run and where to write the backups.

BACKUP_LOCATION=/path/to/somewhere docker-compose run thoth-duplicacy backup-cronjob

Using inside Kubernetes

I have an ARM cluster running k3s on some ODROID HC2s and Raspberry Pis. I run moosefs on the cluster as a distributed file system, and wanted to back it up in as simple a way as possible.

By running the backup as a kubernetes cron job, I don't have to maintain a crontab on any of the cluster nodes, I created a cronjob-backup-stuff.yml in my cluster's configuration git repo, and kubernetes will ensure that the backups run on the least-loaded node.

Backing up directories

Here's a sample job that backs up one of my samba volumes. Note that I've created a backups namespace in my cluster to keep things tidy - if you want to pollute your default namespace instead, delete the namespace entry in the metadata section.

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: backup-exampledir
  namespace: backups
  schedule: "35 */2 * * *"
      # Ensure only one copy of the backup is running, even if it runs
      # so long that it is still running when the next cron slot comes up
      concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
          - name: backup-exampledir
            # I'm running this on the odroids in my cluster, so I'm specifying
            # the ARM7 build
            image: unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:arm7l
            # Use the x86_64 tag if you're on Intel
            # image: unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:x86_64
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - /usr/local/bin/backup-cronjob

              - name: data-volume
                mountPath: /data/

                # I want to restrict the number of threads used for uploads
                # so that duplicacy doesn't consume all my upload bandwidth.
                # I don't care if backups are slow.
              - name: DUPLICACY_BACKUP_THEAD_COUNT
                value: "3"
                # backup-cronjob needs to know what defined storage to back up
                # files to.
              - name: B2_STORAGE_NAME
                value: "b2"

          restartPolicy: OnFailure

          # Keep it running on a chunkserver so that at least part of the
          # I/O is to local disk instead of across the network. Remove if
          # you don't care what node backups happen on.
            odroid: "true"

            - name: data-volume
                # This will be remapped to /data which is where duplicacy
                # expects to find the data it is backing up, and the .duplicacy
                # directory with its settings.
                path: /dfs/volumes/exampledir
                # this field is optional
                type: Directory

Pruning snapshots

We don't want to keep snapshots forever. Here's a Kubernetes cronjob to clean them up.

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: purge-stale-duplicacy-snapshots
  namespace: backups
  schedule: "48 */3 * * *"
      concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
          - name: purge-stale-duplicacy-snapshots
            # I'm running this on the odroids in my cluster, so I'm specifying
            # the ARM7 build
            image: unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:arm7l
            # Use the x86_64 tag if you're on Intel
            # image: unixorn/thoth-duplicacy:x86_64

            # Make sure we run inside /data so that duplicacy can find
            # the configuration directory.
            workingDir: /data

            # Remember that the -keep arguments must be listed from longest
            # time frame to shortest, otherwise the disordered ones will be
            # ignored, which could mean deleting snapshots you want to keep.
            # I'm specifying to keep no snapshots more than 365 days old, keep
            # a single snapshot every 30 days for snapshots older than 90 days,
            # a single snapshot a week for snapshots older than 30 days, and 
            # finally keep only a single snapshot per day for snapshots
            # older than 2 days.
            # Also note that the duplicacy verb has to come before any of the
            # settings command line options.
            - duplicacy
            - prune
            - -storage
            - b2
            - -all
            - -keep 0:365
            - -keep 30:90
            - -keep 7:30
            - -keep 1:2
            - -exhaustive

              - name: data-volume
                mountPath: /data/

              - name: DUPLICACY_BACKUP_THEAD_COUNT
                value: "3"
              - name: B2_STORAGE_NAME
                value: "b2"

          restartPolicy: OnFailure

          # Keep it running on one of the cluster chunkservers so that at
          # least part of the I/O is to local disk instead of across the
          # network. Remove if you don't care what node backups happen on.
            odroid: "true"

            - name: data-volume
                # This will be remapped to /data which is where duplicacy
                # expects to find the data it is backing up, and the .duplicacy
                # directory with its settings.
                path: /dfs/volumes/exampledir
                # this field is optional
                type: Directory


This repository is copyright 2019, Joe Block and is Apache 2.0 licensed.

duplicacy and duplicacy-util have their own licenses, see the links above for details


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