This tutorial is about the Unix tool GNU Make, and how to write Makefiles with an emphasis on automating workflows in data analysis projects, and creating dynamic documents.
The material expands on Chris Paciorek's tutorial-make-flows
Tutorial Make Workflows (by Berkeley SCF)
Why Use Make (by Mike Bostock)
Makefiles for R/LaTeX projects (by Robert Hyndman)
Reproducible Research (by Lincoln Mullen)
A Simple Makefile Tutorial
How To Use Makefiles to Automate Repetitive Tasks on an Ubuntu VPS (by Justin Ellingwood)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
As a Data Science and Statistics educator, I love to share the work I do. Each month I spend dozens of hours curating learning materials like this tutorial. If you find any value and usefulness in it, please consider making a one-time donation---via paypal---in any amount (e.g. the amount you would spend inviting me a coffee or any other drink). Your support really matters.
Author: Gaston Sanchez