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Tableau algorithm for ALCQ

This is a tableau-based reasoning algorithm for ALCQ description logic, implemented in rust. For information on ALCQ and the corresponding tableau algorithm refer to An Overview of Tableau Algorithms for Description Logics.


  • Checking for subsumption and consistency
  • Supported expansion rules:
    • "and"-rule expansion
    • "or"-rule expansion
    • "only"-rule expansion (i.e. for a universal quantifier)
    • "some"-rule expansion (i.e. for an existential quantifier)
    • "at-least"-rule expansion
    • "at-most"-rule expansion
    • "choose"-rule expansion
    • GCI expansion
  • Parsing from files with a convenient input format
  • Conversion to NNF
  • (Quite) arbitrary concept/relation names
  • Interdependent definitions expansion
  • Concept definitions and concept subsumptions in TBox
  • Blocking with caring about the order (to prevent cycling blocking)
  • It feels fast (but I have not tested it on large datasets)


To install the library, you should first install rust and cargo. After that, just pull the project and build it with cargo (omit --realease flag if you want to build a debug version, but note that it goes without any optimizations):

git clone
cd dl-reasoner
cargo build --release


Note: refer to examples section for more information. For simplicity, below we assume that dl-reasoner executable is located in ./target/release/dl-reasoner (since it is located there by default after running the installation).

Checking consistency

To check for consistency you should run check-consistency subcommand and provide two arguments: a path to a file with ABox axioms and a path to a file with TBox axioms.

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-consistency path-to-abox.txt path-to-tbox.txt

Checking subsumption

To check if a subsumption is valid, you should put the subsumption you want to check into your path-to-tbox.txt file and run check-subsumption subcommand:

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-subsumption path-to-tbox.txt

Input format

Note: refer to examples for more details.

Concept format

ABox and TBox files share the same concept format. Concepts have the following format:

  • atomic concept: ConceptName
  • conjunction: and (ConceptA ConceptB ConceptC <...etc...>)
  • disjunction: or (ConceptA ConceptB ConceptC <...etc...>)
  • negation: not Concept
  • universal quantifier: only relationName Concept
  • existential quantifier: some relationName Concept
  • at-least concept: >= 123 relationName Concept
  • at-most concept: <= 123 relationName Concept

You can aggregate nested concepts with the format above. For example:

and (IsStudent (<= 2 isChildOf IsProfessor) IsHuman)


  • if you use non-atomic concepts somewhere (like (<= 2 isChildOf IsProfessor) in the example above), you must wrap them into brackets!
  • Top concept has name __TOP__

ABox concept axiom format

Concept axioms are based on the concept format and have the format MyConcept[x]. This implies that concept MyConcept is appled to individual x. You can have a compound concept axiom, like (>= 123 myRelation (and (A B C)))[x].

ABox relation axiom format

Relation axiom is the simplest one. It has the format relationName[x,y] and means that we have a relation relationName between individuals x and y.

TBox definition format

Definition in a TBox has the format ConceptName == SomeConceptDefinition.

TBox inclusion format

Definition in a TBox has the format SomeConceptA -> SomeConceptB.


Checking consistency

Example 1

Imagine, that we have the following ABox:

ABox = {hasChild(joe,ann), hasChild(joe,eva), hasChild(joe,mary), ParentWithMax2Children(joe)}

with respect to TBox:

TBox = {ParentWithMax2Children ≡≤ 2HasChild.⊤}

We want to check our ABox for consistency and find a corresponding model (if such exists). For this, we convert ABox in a way that is described in input format section:

hasChild[joe, ann]
hasChild[joe, eva]
hasChild[joe, mary]

And we write TBox as:

ParentWithMax2Children == (<= 2 hasChild __TOP__)

After that we run the reasoner with check-consistency command:

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-consistency examples/find-model-1/abox.txt examples/find-model-1/tbox.txt

This finds a model for us:

[INFO] Expanding TBox definitions...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to an ABox...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to GCIs...
[INFO] Aggregating GCIs into a single one...
[INFO] Found a model!
[INFO] Model:
 - Individuals: mary, joe, ann
 - Concepts:
 - Relations: hasChild(joe, ann), hasChild(joe, mary)
 - Replacements: eva = mary
[INFO] Running time: 1.412092ms

As one can see, we did replacement "eva -> mary" which made our ABox consistent. Corresponding abox.txt and tbox.txt are located in examples/find-model-1 directory.

Example 2

Imagine now, that we are given the following ABox and TBox:

ABox = {r(a,b), r(b,d), r(d,c), r(a,c), r(c,d), A(d)}
TBox = {}

And we want to check if individual a an instance of the concept:

∃r.((A ⊓ ∃r.A) ⊔ (¬A ⊓ ∃r.∃r.¬A))

For this, we extend our ABox with the concept axiom:

ABox = ABox ∪ {(∃r.((A ⊓ ∃r.A) ⊔ (¬A ⊓ ∃r.∃r.¬A)))(a)}

and check it for consistency. Corresponding abox.txt and tbox.txt are provided in examples/find-model-2 directory. Running check-consistency command

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-consistency examples/find-model-1/abox.txt examples/find-model-1/tbox.txt

gives output:

[INFO] Expanding TBox definitions...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to an ABox...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to GCIs...
[INFO] Aggregating GCIs into a single one...
[INFO] No model was found.
[INFO] Running time: 5.080364ms

Which means that a is not an instance of that concept.

Checking subsumption

In the examples below we will assume that our "real" TBox is empty. If you want ot use a non-empty one, then you should add the relevant definitions and negated GCIs into the same tbox.txt file with your subsumption (sorry for that).

Example 1

Imagine, that we want to check consistency of the following subsumption with respect to an empty TBox:

∀r.∀s.A ⊓ ∃r.∀s.B ⊓ ∀r.∃s.C ⊑ ∃r.∃s.(A ⊓ B ⊓ C)

Again, we write tbox.txt the following way (as described in input format section):

(and ((only r (only s A)) (some r (only s B)) (only r (some s C)))) -> some r (some s (and (A B C)))

and then we run the reasoner with check-subsumption command:

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-subsumption examples/subsumption-1/tbox.txt

Our reasoner has successfully checked the subsumption:

[INFO] Expanding TBox definitions...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to GCIs...
[INFO] Aggregating GCIs into a single one...
[INFO] Subsumption is valid.
[INFO] Running time: 2.881441ms

Example 2

We want to check the following subsumption:

∀r.∀s.A ⊓ (∃r.∀s.¬A ⊔ ∀r.∃s.B) ⊑ ∀r.∃s.(A ⊓ B) ⊔ ∃r.∀s.¬B

Adding missing brackets and translating it to the format that is suitable for parsing, we get the following tbox.txt:

and ((only r (only s A)) (or ((some r (only s not A)) (only r (some s B))))) -> or ((only r (some s (and (A B)))) (some r (only s (not B))))

Now, we can run the reasoning:

./target/release/dl-reasoner check-subsumption examples/subsumption-2/tbox.txt

In this example, the provided subsumption is also valid and we get the output:

[INFO] Expanding TBox definitions...
[INFO] Applying expanded TBox definitions to GCIs...
[INFO] Aggregating GCIs into a single one...
[INFO] Subsumption is valid.
[INFO] Running time: 7.958508ms

As one can noted, all these examples ran in under 10ms which I suppose is quite fast.


  • tests
  • print error messages instead of just panicking
  • remove unnecessary heap allocations
  • backtracking


Tableau-based reasoner for ALCQ description logic








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