Wavify is a simple library to draw animated wave on a website.
The library is heavily adapted from a codepen board (https://codepen.io/grimor/pen/qbXLdN).
Wavify can be used as a jQuery plugin or with vanilla JavaScript.
A playground for jQuery can be accessed here: http://codepen.io/peacepostman/pen/jBavvN/
You can also see it in production here: https://potion.social/fr/plans-entreprise
Warning: It has been notified that the use of this plugin introduce performance issues in limited setups or on some mobile devices.
Usage is very simple. First, be sure to include TweenMax (https://greensock.com/tweenmax). If you are using Wavify as a jQuery (https://jquery.com/) plugin be sure to include jQuery too.
Here is a HTML header example:
<!-- Vanilla JavaScript -->
<script src="/js/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/wavify/wavify.js"></script>
<!-- As jQuery Plugin -->
<script src="/js/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/wavify/wavify.js"></script>
<script src="/js/wavify/jquery.wavify.js"></script>
In the html add the following code:
<svg width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><defs></defs><path id="myID" d=""/></svg>
Then in your JavaScript file add this:
// For Vanilla JavaScript
var myWave = wavify( document.querySelect('#myId'), {
height: 60,
bones: 3,
amplitude: 40,
color: 'rgba(150, 97, 255, .8)',
speed: .25,
factorLimiter: 1
// For jQuery
var myWave = $('#myID').wavify({
height: 60,
bones: 3,
amplitude: 40,
color: 'rgba(150, 97, 255, .8)',
speed: .25,
factorLimiter: 1
Property | Description | Default Value |
container | Element query selector for parent container; used for calculating wave size | 'body' |
color | CSS color for the wave, can be Hex, rgb, rgba | rgba(255,255,255, 0.20) |
bones | Number of articulations in the wave | 3 |
speed | Animation speed | 0.15 |
height | Height of the wave from crest to trough | 200 |
amplitude | Vertical distance wave travels | 100 |
factorLimiter | Divides the factor by this value. Higher values will slow down the wave without dampening the amplitude | 1 |
Will animate wave color to a new value.
Available parameters are :
Property | Description | Default Value |
timing | Duration for transition in seconds | 1 |
color | CSS color for the wave, can be Hex, rgb, rgba | original color |
onComplete | A function to be executed on transition complete | null |
color: 'rgba(150, 97, 255, .8)'
color: '#FFF',
timing: 10
color: '#FFF',
timing: 10,
onComplete: function(){
console.log('Transition Complete !')
Will pause current running animation
Will play current running animation if paused before
Will kill current animation.
Will reboot animation. New parameters can be provided. Please avoid changing selector, there is no logic reason to do that :D
Refer to configuration options to see available parameters
height: 80,
bones: 10,
amplitude: 60,
color: 'rgba(150, 97, 255, .2)',
speed: .45
Code released under the MIT License.
Thanks joeyparis for his PRs.