This plugin adds support for querying and manipulating relations from Authzed SpiceDB via gRPC as custom builtin commands for Open Policy Agent.
OPA (Open Policy Agent) decouples policy from code in a highly-performant and elegant way, which makes it perfect for use as an external PDP (Policy Decision Point) for applictions in your stack, implementing a Policy-Based Access Control scheme (PBAC).
Authzed SpiceDB is an open source authorization system for Relationship-Based Access Control (ReBAC), originally inspired by Google's Zanzibar paper and one of the most advanced implementation of it.
PBAC and ReBAC are both strong models for fine-grained access control, while OPA and SpiceDB are award winning solutions and the best-of-breed products for their respective categories.
Combining PBAC and ReBAC results in a flexible and powerful authorizer that can effectively used to protect millions of objects.
- SpiceDB gRPC interface available in Rego
- automatic schema-prefix removal
Currently implemented methods:
- check_permission
- lookup_resources
- lookup_subjects
- read_relationships
- write_relationships
- delete_relationships
spicedb.check_permission("resourceType", "resourceId", "permission", "subjectType", "subjectId")
## result:
"lookedUpAt": "<token>",
"result": true
spicedb.lookup_resources("resourceType", "permission", "subjectType", "subjectId")
## result:
"lookedUpAt": "<token>",
"permission": "<permission>",
"resourceObjectIds": [
"<resourceId 1>",
"<resourceId n>"
"resourceObjectType": "<resourceType>",
"result": true,
"subjectId": "<subjectId>",
"subjectType": "<subjectType>"
spicedb.lookup_subjects("<resourceType>", "<resourceId>", "<permission>", "<subjectType>")
## result:
"lookedUpAt": "<token>",
"permission": "<permission>",
"resourceObjectId": "<resourceId>",
"resourceObjectType": "<resourceType>",
"result": true,
"subjectIds": [
"<subjectId 1>",
"<subjectId n>"
"subjectType": "<subjectType>"
write_relations := [
{"resourceType": "<resourceType>", "resourceId": "<resourceId>", "relationship": "<relationship>", "subjectType": "<subjectType>", "subjectId": "<subjectId>"},
touch_relations := []
delete_relations := []
spicedb.write_relationships(write_relations, touch_relations, delete_relations)
## result:
"result": true,
"writtenAt": "<token>"
spicedb.read_relationships("<resourceType>", "<optional-resourceId>", "<optional-permission>", "<optional-subjectType>", "<optional-subjectId>")
## result:
"lookedUpAt": "<token>",
"result": true,
"relationships": [
"relationship": "<relation>",
"resourceId": "<resourceId>",
"resourceType": "<resourceType>",
"subjectId": "<subjectId>",
"subjectType": "<subjectType>"
spicedb.delete_relationships("<resourceType>", "<optional-resourceId>", "<optional-permission>", "<optional-subjectType>", "<optional-subjectId>")
## result:
"deletedAt": "<token>",
"result": true
Make sure you have Go 1.22 installed.
make build
Or building directly:
go build -o opa-spicedb .
Start authzed demo environment
docker compose -f demo/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Run Open Policy Agent with spicedb plugin enabled
./opa-spicedb run \
--set plugins.spicedb.endpoint=localhost:50051 \
--set plugins.spicedb.token=foobar \
--set plugins.spicedb.insecure=true
or use a configuration file
./opa-spicedb run -c demo/opa-config-demo.yaml
Query relations against authzed See the example ReBAC schema for reference.
> spicedb.check_permission("document","firstdoc", "view", "user","alice")
"lookedUpAt": "GhUKEzE3MjYwOTIxNjAwMDAwMDAwMDA=",
"result": true
> spicedb.check_permission("document","firstdoc", "edit", "user","bob")
"lookedUpAt": "GhUKEzE3MjY2MTcxMzAwMDAwMDAwMDA=",
"result": false
> exit
Stop demo environment
docker compose -f demo/docker-compose.yaml down
This project is a work in progress. If something is broken or there's a feature that you want, feel free to check issues page and if so inclined submit a PR!
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Here are some general guidelines:
- File an issue first prior to submitting a PR!
- Ensure all exported items are properly commented
- If applicable, submit a test suite against your PR
Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!
👤 Roland Baum
- Github: @tr33
Copyright © 2024
This project is under Apache-2.0 licensed.