Automatic Short Form Creation for scales. Currently, the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm and the Tabu search are implemented. The original R implementation for the ACO algorithm is from Leite, Huang, & Marcoulides (2008), while the Tabu search function was taken from Marcoulides & Falk (2018). There does not yet seem to be an application of Simulated Annealing (SA) within psychometrics, but Drezner & Marcoulides, 1999 (in Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, Volume 25(2); not available online) used SA for multiple regression model selection; this package appears to be the first to implement SA for psychometric models.
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("AnthonyRaborn/ShortForm") # the developmental version
install.packages("ShortForm") # the CRAN-approved version
Here are some (slightly modified) examples from the help documentation using lavaan. Be warned, the algorithms may take some time to converge, particularly with large forms, multiple dimensions, and different settings. The time for these examples to converge on a low-end laptop is printed at the bottom.
start.time.ACO <- Sys.time()
# using simulated test data and the default values for lavaan.model.specs
# (with one exception), fit a 10-item short form
# first, read in the original or "full" model
data(exampleAntModel) # a character vector for a lavaan model
# then, create the list of the items by the factors
# in this case, all items load onto the general 'Ability' factor
list.items <- list(c('Item1','Item2','Item3','Item4','Item5',
# load the data
# finally, call the function with some minor changes to the default values.
# since the data is binary, let lavaan know by putting the items in the
# 'ordered' element of the lavaan.model.specs list.
abilityShortForm = antcolony.lavaan(data = simulated_test_data,
ants = 5, evaporation = 0.7, antModel = exampleAntModel,
list.items = list.items, full = 30, i.per.f = 10,
lavaan.model.specs = list(model.type = "cfa", auto.var = T, estimator = "default",
ordered = unlist(list.items), = TRUE, = FALSE, auto.fix.first = TRUE,
auto.fix.single = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE,
auto.cov.y = TRUE),
factors = 'Ability', steps = 3, fit.indices = c('cfi', 'rmsea'),
fit.statistics.test = "(cfi > 0.90)&(rmsea < 0.10)",
summaryfile = NULL,
feedbackfile = NULL, = 50, verbose = FALSE)
Run number 1.
Run number 2.
Run number 3.
Run number 4.
Run number 5.
Run number 6.
Run number 7.
Run number 8.
Run number 9.
Run number 10.
Run number 11.
Run number 12.
Run number 13.
Run number 14.
Run number 15.
Run number 16.
Run number 17.
Run number 18.
Run number 19.
Run number 20.
Run number 21.
Run number 22.
Run number 23. [1] "Compiling results."
abilityShortForm[[1]] # print the results of the final short form
## cfi rmsea mean_gamma Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item6 Item7 Item8
## [1,] 1 0 0.613 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
## Item9 Item10 Item11 Item12 Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18
## [1,] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
## Item19 Item20 Item21 Item22 Item23 Item24 Item25 Item26 Item27 Item28
## [1,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
## Item29 Item30
## [1,] 1 1
antcolony_plot(abilityShortForm) # the plots available
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
A similar example can be found in the antcolony.mplus
function, but
requires you to have a valid Mplus installation on the computer. It took
a total of 5.6 minutes to run this example.
This example demonstrates how to use the Tabu search for model specification searches when the original model may be misspecified in some way.
start.time.Tabu <- Sys.time()
# load simulation data and select columns used in this example
tabuData <- simulated_test_data[,c(1:10)]
# specify an improper model (improper because the data is actually unidimensional)
tabuModel <- "
Ability =~ Item1 + Item2 + Item3 + Item4
FakeAbility =~ Item5 + Item6 + Item7 + Item8
Ability ~ Outcome
FakeAbility ~ 0*Outcome
Ability ~ 0*FakeAbility"
# fit the initial misspecified model for Tabu
init.model <- lavaan::lavaan(model = tabuModel, data = tabuData,
auto.var=TRUE, auto.fix.first=FALSE,,
# use search.prep to prepare for the Tabu search
ptab <- search.prep(fitted.model = init.model, loadings=TRUE, fcov=TRUE, errors=FALSE)
# perform the Tabu search with 100 iterations and a Tabu list size of 5
set.seed(1) # reproduceable
Tabu_example <- suppressWarnings(tabu.sem(init.model = init.model, ptab = ptab, obj = AIC, niter = 25, tabu.size = 5)) # the suppressWarning wrapping hides the lavaan WARNING output from improper models
## [1] "Running iteration 1."
## [1] "Running iteration 2."
## [1] "Running iteration 3."
## [1] "Running iteration 4."
## [1] "Running iteration 5."
## [1] "Running iteration 6."
## [1] "Running iteration 7."
## [1] "Running iteration 8."
## [1] "Running iteration 9."
## [1] "Running iteration 10."
## [1] "Running iteration 11."
## [1] "Running iteration 12."
## [1] "Running iteration 13."
## [1] "Running iteration 14."
## [1] "Running iteration 15."
## [1] "Running iteration 16."
## [1] "Running iteration 17."
## [1] "Running iteration 18."
## [1] "Running iteration 19."
## [1] "Running iteration 20."
## [1] "Running iteration 21."
## [1] "Running iteration 22."
## [1] "Running iteration 23."
## [1] "Running iteration 24."
## [1] "Running iteration 25."
# check the final model
## lavaan 0.6-2 ended normally after 56 iterations
## Optimization method NLMINB
## Number of free parameters 20
## Number of observations 1000
## Estimator ML
## Model Fit Test Statistic 20.483
## Degrees of freedom 24
## P-value (Chi-square) 0.669
## Parameter Estimates:
## Information Expected
## Information saturated (h1) model Structured
## Standard Errors Standard
## Latent Variables:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|)
## Ability =~
## Item1 0.158 0.020 7.956 0.000
## Item2 0.223 0.022 10.282 0.000
## Item3 0.197 0.021 9.385 0.000
## Item4 0.159 0.019 8.183 0.000
## Item5 0.146 0.019 7.740 0.000
## Item6 0.190 0.018 10.684 0.000
## Item7 0.144 0.018 7.862 0.000
## Item8 0.147 0.019 7.867 0.000
## FakeAbility =~
## Item1 0.000
## Item2 0.046 0.071 0.646 0.518
## Item3 -0.052 0.095 -0.543 0.587
## Item4 0.000
## Item5 0.230 0.381 0.603 0.546
## Item6 0.000
## Item7 0.000
## Item8 0.000
## Regressions:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|)
## Ability ~
## FakeAbility 0.000
## Outcome 0.468 0.086 5.432 0.000
## FakeAbility ~
## Ability 0.000
## Outcome 0.000
## Outcome ~
## Ability 0.000
## FakeAbility 0.000
## Covariances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|)
## .Ability ~~
## .FakeAbility 0.000
## .Item1 ~~
## .Item2 0.000
## .Item3 0.000
## .Item4 0.000
## .Item5 0.000
## .Item6 0.000
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item2 ~~
## .Item3 0.000
## .Item4 0.000
## .Item5 0.000
## .Item6 0.000
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item3 ~~
## .Item4 0.000
## .Item5 0.000
## .Item6 0.000
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item4 ~~
## .Item5 0.000
## .Item6 0.000
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item5 ~~
## .Item6 0.000
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item6 ~~
## .Item7 0.000
## .Item8 0.000
## .Item7 ~~
## .Item8 0.000
## Variances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|)
## .Ability 1.000
## .FakeAbility 1.000
## .Item1 0.221 0.011 20.494 0.000
## .Item2 0.175 0.014 12.210 0.000
## .Item3 0.170 0.016 10.324 0.000
## .Item4 0.213 0.010 20.366 0.000
## .Item5 0.095 0.175 0.544 0.586
## .Item6 0.156 0.008 18.361 0.000
## .Item7 0.189 0.009 20.545 0.000
## .Item8 0.198 0.010 20.542 0.000
It took a total of 4.88 minutes to run this example.
This example demonstrates the use of simulated annealing for creating short forms.
start.time.SA <- Sys.time()
# load simulation data and select columns used in this example
saData <- simulated_test_data[,c(1:10)]
# specify the full model
saModel <- "
Ability =~ Item1 + Item2 + Item3 + Item4 + Item5 + Item6 + Item7 + Item8 + Item9 + Item10
Ability ~ Outcome
lavaan.model.specs = list(model.type = "cfa",
auto.var = TRUE, estimator = "default", ordered = paste0("Item", 1:10), = TRUE, = FALSE, = TRUE, auto.fix.first = FALSE, auto.fix.single =
TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE, auto.cov.y =
# perform the SA algorithm
SA_example <- simulatedAnnealing(initialModel = saModel, originalData = saData, maxSteps = 500, fitStatistic = 'cfi', maximize = FALSE, temperature = "logistic", items = paste0("Item", 1:10), lavaan.model.specs = lavaan.model.specs, maxChanges = 3, maxItems = 5, progress = F)
## Initializing short form creation.
## The initial short form is:
## Ability =~ Item3 + Item4 + Item5 + Item7 + Item2
## Ability ~ Outcome
## Using the short form randomNeighbor function.
## Finished initializing short form options.
## Current Progress:
plot(SA_example$allFit, type = "b") # plot showing how the fit value changes at each step
SA_example$bestSyntax # the model syntax that had the best fit found by the algorithm
## [1] "Ability =~ Item2 + Item6 + Item4 + Item5 + Item3"
It took a total of 1.28 minutes to run the SA example, and a total of 11.76 minutes to run all three together.