TL;DR UIPageViewController done properly.
- Simplified data source management & enhanced delegation.
- Dynamically insert & remove pages.
- Infinite scrolling support.
- Automatic timer-based page transitioning.
- Support for custom animated page transitions.
Pageboy requires iOS 12 / tvOS 12; and is compatible with Swift 5.
Pageboy is compatible with Swift Package Manager and can be integrated via Xcode.
Pageboy is also available through CocoaPods:
pod 'Pageboy', '~> 4.2'
Pageboy is also available through Carthage:
github "uias/Pageboy" ~> 4.2
- Create an instance of a
and provide it with aPageboyViewControllerDataSource
class PageViewController: PageboyViewController, PageboyViewControllerDataSource {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.dataSource = self
- Implement the
func numberOfViewControllers(in pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController) -> Int {
return viewControllers.count
func viewController(for pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController,
at index: PageboyViewController.PageIndex) -> UIViewController? {
return viewControllers[index]
func defaultPage(for pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController) -> PageboyViewController.Page? {
return nil
The delegate functions provided by a PageboyViewController
are much more reliable and useful than what a raw UIPageViewController
provides. You can use them to find out exactly where the current page is, and when it's moved, where it's headed.
About to embark on a transition to a new page.
func pageboyViewController(_ pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController,
willScrollToPageAt index: Int,
direction: PageboyViewController.NavigationDirection,
animated: Bool)
Scrolled to a relative position along the way transitioning to a new page.
func pageboyViewController(_ pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController,
didScrollTo position: CGPoint,
direction: PageboyViewController.NavigationDirection,
animated: Bool)
Successfully completed a scroll transition to a page.
func pageboyViewController(_ pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController,
didScrollToPageAt index: Int,
direction: PageboyViewController.NavigationDirection,
animated: Bool)
Child view controllers have been reloaded.
func pageboyViewController(_ pageboyViewController: PageboyViewController,
didReloadWith currentViewController: UIViewController,
currentPageIndex: PageIndex)
You can navigate programmatically through a PageboyViewController
using scrollToPage()
pageViewController.scrollToPage(.next, animated: true)
- Infinite scrolling can be enabled with
. - Interactive scrolling can also be controlled with
Pageboy provides the ability to insert and delete pages dynamically in the PageboyViewController
func insertPage(at index: PageIndex, then updateBehavior: PageUpdateBehavior)
func deletePage(at index: PageIndex, then updateBehavior: PageUpdateBehavior)
This behaves similarly to the insertion of rows in UITableView
, in the fact that you have to update the data source prior to calling any of the update functions.
let index = 2
viewControllers.insert(UIViewController(), at: index)
pageViewController.insertPage(at: index)
The default behavior after inserting or deleting a page is to scroll to the update location, this however can be configured by passing a PageUpdateBehavior
value other than .scrollToUpdate
- Reload the view controllers in the page view controller. (Reloads the data source)..navigationOrientation
- Whether to orientate the pages horizontally or vertically..currentViewController
- The currently visible view controller if it exists..currentPosition
- The exact current relative position of the page view controller..currentIndex
- The index of the currently visible page..parentPageboy
- Access the immediate parentPageboyViewController
from any child view controller.
Pageboy also provides custom transition support for animated transitions. This can be customized via the .transition
property on PageboyViewController
pageboyViewController.transition = Transition(style: .push, duration: 1.0)
Note: By default this is set to nil
, which uses the standard animation provided by UIPageViewController
is available to set up timer based automatic scrolling of the PageboyViewController
Support for custom intermission duration and other scroll behaviors is also available.
- Created by Merrick Sapsford (@MerrickSapsford)
- Contributed to by a growing list of others.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.