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Francesco edited this page Jun 4, 2015
1 revision
- Release 8.1.0 - 2015.xx.xx -
- Added JPO-RX API: JPO turns non-blocking!
- Release 8.0.0 - 2014.xx.xx -
- Changed:
- Asynchronous Transaction execution mode
- Removed aggregated beans support and all related classes/methods/annotations (I could be reintroduced in a future version with cleaner code)
- EhCache cache implementation moved to separate module
- JSR303 validator implementation moved to separate module
- Oval validator removed
- Removed JodaType support
- Added support for new Java 8 time classes: LocalDateTime, LocalTime, ZonedDateTime, Instant
- Save, Update and Delete query not manually confirmed with "now" are automatically executed before the transaction commits
- Added get methods that return Optional
- Release 7.2.1 - 2013.11.12 -
- Fixed: It is now possible to build JPOrm with a JDK8
- Release 7.2.0 - 2013.11.22 -
- Added: TypeWrapper for Enum that permits to use Enums as valid fields for a JPO Bean
- Release 7.1.0 - 2013.06.04 -
- Added: getInt, getLong, getString, getBigDecimal, getDouble, getFloat, getArray methods to the CustomQuery interface
- Release 7.0.4 -
- Fixed: the get() method of find queries should return the first entry of the ResultSet
- Changed: the default cascade value for delete queries is set to true
- Release 7.0.0 -
- Changed package base name from com.jpattern.orm to com.jporm
- Added pagination through maxResult and firstRow
- Added custom clauses in the Where expression of a Find query
- Added the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
- Removed old SqlExecutor. Renamed SqlPerformer to SqlExecutor
- Fixed the wrong version check performed by SmartRenderableSqlSubElement and SmartRenderableSqlQuery classes
- Added a cache service to save rendered queries
- Changed: all getInt() getLong() etc. methods return Wrappers instead of primitives; consequently, they can return a null value
- Added Apache License, Version 2.0 - The Apache Software Foundation
- Added Postgresql support
- Added new where() methods to the Find Query: where(ExpressionElement... exp) and where(String whereClause, Object... args)
- Added methods and(String whereClause, Object... args) and or(String whereClause, Object... args) to the Where interface
- Release 6.3.0 - 2013.04.18 -
- JodaTime objects no longer use UTC timezone
- Release 6.2.0 - WRONG RELEASE - NOT TO BE USED -
- Release 6.1.0 - 2013.03.10 -
- Added @Cache annotation
- Added @Cascade annotation to define conditional update/save to bean relations
- "lazy" on Fins queries is now false by default
- The Session object is now stateless and Thread safe
- Release 6.0.0 - 2013.03.08 -
- Save/update/load/delete aggregated beans!
- "Bean" is now used in the documentation instead of "object" or "entity"
- Complete rewrite of the ValidatorService
- Use of JUnit @RunWith(Parameterized.class) to launch the same test on multiple DBs
- Added mysql 5 support
- Removed conditional generators. A generator is now used only if the value is null or negative.
- Added Generators fallback mode
- added method findQuery(String[], Class, ... ) to the Session
- alias are now used in the CustomQuery to get from the ResultSet using the Bean property names
- Added a cacheManager to JPO and the cache(String cacheName) method to the find queries
- Class alias used in SQL query are now independent from Class alias used in JPO Queries
- Added ignore() method to the Find queries to avoid fetching not needed field values from the DB
- Release 5.3.0 -
- Fixed: if a query parameter is null the generated sql is not valid
- Fixed: if an exception is thrown during the "update" the bean is silently not updated nor saved!
- Added: Added a find() method in the findQuery that returns the first BEAN found or null
- Added: Added an exist() method in the Session to know whether a Bean exists
- Release 5.2.0 -
- Is now possible to add more ExpressionElements in OR and AND in a query
- Added the Expression factory to help building ExpressionElements
- Release 5.1.1 -
- Fixed wrong query's parameters log
- Release 5.1.0 -
- Added ResultSetRowReader class
- Added doInTransaction(TransactionRollback) method to the session
- Release 5.0.0 -
- Heavy code refactoring
- Complete rewriting of all the core Persistor related classes
- Improved use of generics
- Is now possible to write inline queries without using the query() method
- Removed "from()" method from Queries. Is now possible to join directly from the root query.
- Performance: no more array to List and viceversa conversions
- Performance: Changed many reflection related methods with equivalent ones based on the strategy pattern (without the use of reflection)
- Performance: Added ifDebugEnabled check before every logger.debug() call
- Performance: SQL statement are rendered to String only if needed instead of on a each call
- Release 4.5.0 -
- Moved to slf4j
- Synchronized core methods of the JPOrm class
- It's now possible to build JPO with a JDK 7
- Added new Validator interface and specific implementations for Oval and JSR303
- Release 4.4.1 -
- Fixed bug: an OrmException is no longer wrapped in a OrmSqlException when thrown by a ResultSetReader
- Fixed bug: it's not possible to join the same table
- Release 4.4.0 -
- Big step forward: InputStream and Reader are now correctly handled even with Oracle DB (JDBC 3.0 driver required)
- Release 4.3.0 -
- Added automatic db Dialect discovering
- Release 4.2.0 -
- Added OrmSqlException hierarchy to map specific SQLException states
- Release 4.1.0 -
- Added "order by ... nulls last" and "order by ... nulls first"
- Fixed bug: Not possible to use "createOrUpdate" method on beans with @Version and without conditional key generators
- Release 4.0.2 -
- Fixed a possible NullPointerException in WrapperTypeArray class
- Release 4.0.0 -
- ORM default behavior changed on save (update): the properties of a saved (updated) bean are no longer updated (id, generated fields, version) instead a new bean with all the fields updated is created and returned
- Release 3.5.0 -
- Now is possible to define a hierarchy of Bean
- Added saveOrUpdate (if the @Generator is used and the "ifValueIn" property is defined, this will be used to determine whether save or update the bean, otherwise a double call to the db is performed)
- Release 3.4.0 -
- OrmQueryFormatException is thrown if an unknown field is used in a query
- Is now possible to use objects of Classes with an associated WrapperType in every orm queries
- Release 3.3.0 -
- Added wrapper for joda-time DateMidnight to java.sql.Date
- Added register(TypeWrapper) to JPO to register new wrappers or override existing ones
- ResultSet fields manipulator helpers are no longer static
- Release 3.2.0 -
- Project renamed to JPO
- Added online query writing: queries can be written in one single line thanks to the query() method in the clauses
- Added property "ifValueIn" in the @Generated annotation. This permits to use the generator only if the key has a desired value to check the value
- Removed "I" prefix from main interfaces
- Dropped javassist code generator support
- All Exceptions now inherit from OrmException
- *Unique methods throws an OrmNotUniqueResultException if the returned rows number is not exactly one
- findUnique method added to the Session
- the first Class registered in a query can use property names in the where clause without the prefix
- Query IJoin Interface renamed to From
- Query IExpression Interface renamed to Where
- Added @Ignore annotation to ignore bean fields
- Added wrappers for Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short to BigDecimal
- Added wrapper for Character to String
- Added wrapper for Boolean to BigDecimal (false if ZERO, otherwise true )
- Version increase feature now works with every wrapped type if their related type on the ResultSet is a Date or a number
- New fields access strategy: if getter and/or setter are present they will be used by the orm, otherwise the field is directly accessed even if private
- Only one generator per bean is accepted
- Code cleaning and very heavy refactoring
- Release 3.1.2 -
- Is no longer mandatory to register beans at startup, they are now automatically registered on first use
- Added wrapper for java.util.Date
- Added wrapper for joda-time DateTime
- Added wrapper for joda-time LocalDate
- Added wrapper for joda-time LocalDateTime
- DB scanning for primary key search has been removed. @Id annotation is now the only way to identify a primary key
- Release 3.0.0 -
- New ReflectionPersistorGenerator based on reflection mechanism
- New JavassistPersistorGenerator to create bytecode at runtime
- new @Version annotation
- javassist is optional, if not found reflection is used
- Cojen code generator removed from dependencies