This repository contains my solutions for the projects of the python course Data Analysis with Python from freeCodeCamp.
The solutions in this repository are made with Python 3.9.0
git clone
# default name when no other is given
cd <data_analysis_with_python>
poetry install
Alternative you can use any other virtual environment e.g. pythons venv
git clone
# default name when no other is given
cd <data_analysis_with_python>
# use .venv or any name you want
python3 -m venv .venv # python -m venv .venv on a Windows machine
source ./.venv/bin/activate # .\.venv\Scripts\activate on a Windows machine
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt # pip install -r .\requirements.txt on a Windows machine
If you don't want to try it out locally you can use the
links to my hosted project solutions.
Link to my project solution click me
Link to my
click me
Link to my project solution click me
Link to my
click me
One of the tests always failed. It seems it has todo with the version of matplotlib
. I had to manually change the version in the poetry.lock
file to version 3.2.2 for the test to work. The problem is known on freeCodeCamp and I found the solution also in the forum.
Link to my project solution click me
Link to my
click me
Link to my project solution click me
Link to my
click me
Link to my project solution click me
Link to my
click me