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Mask and zero bits in metadata bytes for bulk zeroing (mmtk#707)
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This PR fixes a bug in `bzero_metadata()` discussed in mmtk#643 (comment). When the data address range to be bulk zeroed cannot be mapped into whole bytes in the side metadata, the other bits in the bytes which should not be updated will get zeroed unexpectedly.
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qinsoon authored and udesou committed Dec 5, 2022
1 parent b7af454 commit 9b2979e
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134 changes: 107 additions & 27 deletions src/util/metadata/side_metadata/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,51 @@ impl SideMetadataSpec {

/// Bulk-zero a specific metadata for a chunk.
/// This method is used for bulk zeroing side metadata for a data address range. As we cannot guarantee
/// that the data address range can be mapped to whole metadata bytes, we have to deal with cases that
/// we need to mask and zero certain bits in a metadata byte.
/// The end address and the end bit are exclusive.
pub(super) fn zero_meta_bits(
meta_start_addr: Address,
meta_start_bit: u8,
meta_end_addr: Address,
meta_end_bit: u8,
) {
// Start/end is the same, we don't need to do anything.
if meta_start_addr == meta_end_addr && meta_start_bit == meta_end_bit {

// zeroing bytes
if meta_start_bit == 0 && meta_end_bit == 0 {
memory::zero(meta_start_addr, meta_end_addr - meta_start_addr);

if meta_start_addr == meta_end_addr {
// we are zeroing selected bits in one byte
let mask: u8 = (u8::MAX << meta_end_bit) | !(u8::MAX << meta_start_bit); // Get a mask that the bits we need to zero are set to zero, and the other bits are 1.

unsafe { meta_start_addr.as_ref::<AtomicU8>() }.fetch_and(mask, Ordering::SeqCst);
} else if meta_start_addr + 1usize == meta_end_addr && meta_end_bit == 0 {
// we are zeroing the rest bits in one byte
let mask = !(u8::MAX << meta_start_bit); // Get a mask that the bits we need to zero are set to zero, and the other bits are 1.

unsafe { meta_start_addr.as_ref::<AtomicU8>() }.fetch_and(mask, Ordering::SeqCst);
} else {
// zero bits in the first byte
Self::zero_meta_bits(meta_start_addr, meta_start_bit, meta_start_addr + 1usize, 0);
// zero bytes in the middle
Self::zero_meta_bits(meta_start_addr + 1usize, 0, meta_end_addr, 0);
// zero bits in the last byte
Self::zero_meta_bits(meta_end_addr, 0, meta_end_addr, meta_end_bit);

/// Bulk-zero a specific metadata for a chunk. Note that this method is more sophisiticated than a simple memset, especially in the following
/// cases:
/// * the metadata for the range includes partial bytes (a few bits in the same byte).
/// * for 32 bits local side metadata, the side metadata is stored in discontiguous chunks, we will have to bulk zero for each chunk's side metadata.
/// # Arguments
Expand All @@ -157,19 +201,66 @@ impl SideMetadataSpec {
#[cfg(feature = "extreme_assertions")]
let _lock = sanity::SANITY_LOCK.lock().unwrap();

// yiluowei: Not Sure but this assertion seems too strict for Immix recycled lines
#[cfg(not(feature = "global_alloc_bit"))]
debug_assert!(start.is_aligned_to(BYTES_IN_PAGE) && meta_byte_lshift(self, start) == 0);

#[cfg(feature = "extreme_assertions")]
sanity::verify_bzero(self, start, size);

let meta_start = address_to_meta_address(self, start);
if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") || self.is_global {
address_to_meta_address(self, start + size) - meta_start,
// Zero for a contiguous side metadata spec. We can simply calculate the data end address, and
// calculate the metadata address for the data end.
let zero_contiguous = |data_start: Address, data_bytes: usize| {
if data_bytes == 0 {
let meta_start = address_to_meta_address(self, data_start);
let meta_start_shift = meta_byte_lshift(self, data_start);
let meta_end = address_to_meta_address(self, data_start + data_bytes);
let meta_end_shift = meta_byte_lshift(self, data_start + data_bytes);
Self::zero_meta_bits(meta_start, meta_start_shift, meta_end, meta_end_shift);

// Zero for a discontiguous side metadata spec (chunked metadata). The side metadata for different
// chunks are stored in discontiguous memory. For example, Chunk #2 follows Chunk #1, but the side metadata
// for Chunk #2 does not immediately follow the side metadata for Chunk #1. So when we bulk zero metadata for Chunk #1,
// we cannot zero up to the metadata address for the Chunk #2 start. Otherwise it may zero unrelated metadata
// between the two chunks' metadata.
// Instead, we compute how many bytes/bits we need to zero.
// The data for which the metadata will be zeroed has to be in the same chunk.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
let zero_discontiguous = |data_start: Address, data_bytes: usize| {
use crate::util::constants::BITS_IN_BYTE;
if data_bytes == 0 {

(data_start + data_bytes - 1).align_down(BYTES_IN_CHUNK),
"The data to be zeroed in discontiguous specs needs to be in the same chunk"

let meta_start = address_to_meta_address(self, data_start);
let meta_start_shift = meta_byte_lshift(self, data_start);

// How many bits we need to zero for data_bytes
let meta_total_bits = (data_bytes >> self.log_bytes_in_region) << self.log_num_of_bits;
let meta_delta_bytes = meta_total_bits >> LOG_BITS_IN_BYTE;
let meta_delta_bits: u8 = (meta_total_bits % BITS_IN_BYTE) as u8;

// Calculate the end byte/addr and end bit
let (meta_end, meta_end_shift) = {
let mut end_addr = meta_start + meta_delta_bytes;
let mut end_bit = meta_start_shift + meta_delta_bits;
if end_bit >= BITS_IN_BYTE as u8 {
end_bit -= BITS_IN_BYTE as u8;
end_addr += 1usize;
(end_addr, end_bit)

Self::zero_meta_bits(meta_start, meta_start_shift, meta_end, meta_end_shift);

if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") || self.is_global {
zero_contiguous(start, size);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
if !self.is_global {
Expand All @@ -178,31 +269,20 @@ impl SideMetadataSpec {
- start.align_down(BYTES_IN_CHUNK))
if chunk_num == 0 {
address_to_meta_address(self, start + size) - meta_start,
zero_discontiguous(start, size);
} else {
let second_data_chunk = start.align_up(BYTES_IN_CHUNK);
// bzero the first sub-chunk
address_to_meta_address(self, second_data_chunk) - meta_start,
zero_discontiguous(start, second_data_chunk - start);

let last_data_chunk = (start + size).align_down(BYTES_IN_CHUNK);
let last_meta_chunk = address_to_meta_address(self, last_data_chunk);
// bzero the last sub-chunk
address_to_meta_address(self, start + size) - last_meta_chunk,
zero_discontiguous(last_data_chunk, start + size - last_data_chunk);
let mut next_data_chunk = second_data_chunk;

// bzero all chunks in the middle
while next_data_chunk != last_data_chunk {
address_to_meta_address(self, next_data_chunk),
metadata_bytes_per_chunk(self.log_bytes_in_region, self.log_num_of_bits),
zero_discontiguous(next_data_chunk, BYTES_IN_CHUNK);
next_data_chunk += BYTES_IN_CHUNK;
Expand Down
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions src/util/metadata/side_metadata/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -580,4 +580,157 @@ mod tests {

fn test_side_metadata_bzero_by_bytes() {
serial_test(|| {
|| {
let data_addr = vm_layout_constants::HEAP_START;

// 1 bit per 8 bytes
let spec = SideMetadataSpec {
name: "test spec",
is_global: true,
offset: SideMetadataOffset::addr(GLOBAL_SIDE_METADATA_BASE_ADDRESS),
log_num_of_bits: 0,
log_bytes_in_region: 3,
let region_size: usize = 1 << spec.log_bytes_in_region;

let metadata = SideMetadataContext {
global: vec![spec],
local: vec![],

let mut metadata_sanity = SideMetadataSanity::new();
metadata_sanity.verify_metadata_context("NoPolicy", &metadata);

.try_map_metadata_space(data_addr, constants::BYTES_IN_PAGE,)

// First 9 regions
let regions = (0..9)
.map(|i| data_addr + (region_size * i) as usize)
// Set metadata for the regions
.for_each(|addr| unsafe {<u8>(*addr, 1) });
.for_each(|addr| assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(*addr) } == 1));

// bulk zero the 8 regions (1 bit for each, in total 1 byte)
spec.bzero_metadata(regions[0], region_size * 8);
// Check if the first 8 regions are set to 0
.for_each(|addr| assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(*addr) } == 0));
// Check if the 9th region is still 1
assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(regions[8]) } == 1);
|| {

fn test_side_metadata_bzero_by_fraction_of_bytes() {
serial_test(|| {
|| {
let data_addr = vm_layout_constants::HEAP_START;

// 1 bit per 8 bytes
let spec = SideMetadataSpec {
name: "test spec",
is_global: true,
offset: SideMetadataOffset::addr(GLOBAL_SIDE_METADATA_BASE_ADDRESS),
log_num_of_bits: 0,
log_bytes_in_region: 3,
let region_size: usize = 1 << spec.log_bytes_in_region;

let metadata = SideMetadataContext {
global: vec![spec],
local: vec![],

let mut metadata_sanity = SideMetadataSanity::new();
metadata_sanity.verify_metadata_context("NoPolicy", &metadata);

.try_map_metadata_space(data_addr, constants::BYTES_IN_PAGE,)

// First 9 regions
let regions = (0..9)
.map(|i| data_addr + (region_size * i) as usize)
// Set metadata for the regions
.for_each(|addr| unsafe {<u8>(*addr, 1) });
.for_each(|addr| assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(*addr) } == 1));

// bulk zero the first 4 regions (1 bit for each, in total 4 bits)
spec.bzero_metadata(regions[0], region_size * 4);
// Check if the first 4 regions are set to 0
.for_each(|addr| assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(*addr) } == 0));
// Check if the rest regions is still 1
.for_each(|addr| assert!(unsafe { spec.load::<u8>(*addr) } == 1));
|| {

fn test_side_metadata_zero_meta_bits() {
let size = 4usize;
let allocate_u32 = || -> Address {
let ptr = unsafe {
std::alloc::alloc_zeroed(std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(size, 4).unwrap())
let fill_1 = |addr: Address| unsafe {;

let start = allocate_u32();
let end = start + size;

// zero the word
SideMetadataSpec::zero_meta_bits(start, 0, end, 0);
assert_eq!(unsafe { start.load::<u32>() }, 0);

// zero first 2 bits
SideMetadataSpec::zero_meta_bits(start, 0, start, 2);
assert_eq!(unsafe { start.load::<u32>() }, 0xFFFF_FFFC); // ....1100

// zero last 2 bits
SideMetadataSpec::zero_meta_bits(end - 1, 6, end, 0);
assert_eq!(unsafe { start.load::<u32>() }, 0x3FFF_FFFF); // 0011....

// zero everything except first 2 bits and last 2 bits
SideMetadataSpec::zero_meta_bits(start, 2, end - 1, 6);
assert_eq!(unsafe { start.load::<u32>() }, 0xC000_0003); // 1100....0011

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