This tool can clean up the list output from OneTab
of Google Chrome extension.
see also:
- OneTab - Chrome Web store
is the initial letter of the tab list cleaner.
You can delete duplicate URLs and same name from the list output from OneTab
of Google Chrome extension. In addition, you can also check whether the URL is accessible at the same time and delete it from the list.
- It is made by golang so it supports multi form.
- Easy operation just by specifying the file.
- Go 1.8+
- spf13/cobra: A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
- cheggaaa/pb: Console progress bar for Golang
- And that file output from your
$ ./tlc run your_file -w
Please see the help.
$ ./tlc --help
This tool is OneTab URL list cleaner
tlc [command]
Available Commands:
run Clean the list of "OneTab"
version Print the version number of tlc
Use "tlc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ go get
- OneTab のTabリストを整理するCLI をgolang で作ってみた #golang #onetab - uchimanajet7のメモ