StarCalendar is a Free and Open Source full-featured international calendar written in Python, supporting Jalali/Persian, Garigorian and Islamic calendar.
To get the latest codes via git, run this:
$ git clone git://
To get the latest snapshot (without git) open this URL in your browser:
$ sudo bash ./install-ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get remove starcal3
$ sudo bash ./install-debian
$ sudo apt-get remove starcal3
$ bash ./install-archlinux
$ sudo pacman -R starcal3
$ yaourt -S starcal
$ sudo pacman -R starcal
$ sudo bash ./install-suse
$ sudo zypper remove starcal3
$ sudo bash ./install-fedora
$ sudo yum remove starcal3
$ sudo bash ./install
$ sudo /usr/share/starcal3/uninstall
- Install Python 3.x
- Install Gtk3 and PyGI
- Copy starcal source folder somewhere you want to keep
- Send a shortcut from file starcal.pyw (inside source folder) to you desktop
- Click on the shortcut to starcal.pyw (or the file itself) to run
StartCalendar is licensed under GNU Genaral Public License version 3+
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